Black & White Composition
I remember the day
When I had a lot to say
Not yet knowing Jesus as the Way
So my first thought wasn’t to pray
I didn’t know God was real
And He could help me with the way I feel
How in an instant He can heal
Taking away pain I tried to conceal
I didn’t know about His Unconditional Love
Nor the Purpose of Heaven above
Or the Spirit coming upon Jesus like a dove
Or why He received such a great beating and shove.
That very day I didn’t know what to do
Seeing no one around I could turn to
But I needed someone to talk to
Then I realized I had you.
My pen and book of composition
Aligning my thoughts of uncertainty and confusion
Becoming my medicine for deep depression
Igniting in me a new passion
Writing became my everything
It was love from the beginning
Expressing myself through journaling
Became my silver lining
No longer feeling completely broke
Or in desperate need of a sexual poke
Rich in words by every pen stoke
Filled with laughter each time I wrote a joke
My First real poem got me into Community College
The scholarship unlocked the door to higher knowledge
First of my family to enjoy this right and privlege
Introducing me to What I’ve failed to acknowledge
That life is beyond how you feel
And there is a God who is real
He pursued me with zeal
All my sickness He can heal
Writing in my black and white composition
Gave me someone to confide in
When I THOUGHT no one cared to listen
And felt lonely and forgotten
God was there and He heard
Blessing me before I ever prayed a word
Giving me sight when my vision was blurred
Corrected me when acting absurd
God told about a relationship that wasn’t religion
Encouraging me to not keep my words hidden
For what was in my black and white compostion
Because others would be glad to listen
I remember the day
When I had a lot to say
Since writing introduce me to Jesus as the Way
Now my first thought is to write what I pray.