Black Dog
From an early age I've always had this thing called the "black dog"
See I don't really know why they call it the black dog
Maybe it's because black goes with darkness and darkness goes with sadness
But I've been in the darkness so long I don't remember what the light looks like
And maybe that means I don't know what happiness looks like either
Maybe that's because I'm numb
Or-or maybe it's because of those stray dogs that follow you home uninvited
You know, those stray dogs that never really go away or at least not for long because you fed them the first time
And they follow you around like you're their owner even though you didn't want them in the first place
Or maybe it's because we're all scared of the word depression
Like mental illness is some disease you don't want to catch
You either run away or pretend it's not there but either way you're scared
From an early age I learned how to keep my mouth shut
From an early age I learned how to paint a fake smile on my face and force out laughter
From an early age I was taught that depression was not suitable for public places
From an early age I learned how to disassemble pencil sharpeners I learned the crack of a razor
From an early age I learned how to make excuses for long sleeves
But this is a letter to my younger self
It's not okay, wait it is okay, wait it's okay to not be okay
What I'm trying to say is suicide isn't the answer
And I know it sounds hypocritical coming from me because I can't even say it to myself
But I want you to know that when you look in the mirror there is nothing wrong with you
That the way you're feeling is called depression
I want you to know that here I am
I am me and that's okay and so are you
Little girl keep your head up
From an early age...from an early age...I'm still at an early age
And I'm still learning to deal with this black dog
I'm still learning to live with this black dog named depression.