Belle, meaning beauty from the land of France
We remember from the movie how she put Beast into a trance
But remember how her nose was always in a book,
She received taunts from the one who falsely loved her, Hook...
Oh wait, his name was Gaston.
I've seemed to have forgotten what story we are on.
Anyways, I want to be my own Belle.
Not just a beautiful, happy woman, with a story to tell.
I want to acquire the pleasure of reading for a living,
Maybe as a publicist, or editing news articles just whie sitting.
Words in print seems to take me to a whole new world,
Full of light, laughter, anything but current travesties from these boys and girls.
The story can take me to a far away land,
Where I can retreat for a while, while doing what I can
For the job that I have obtained
While living my life in the most complete way.
I want my future to be compiled with books,
And shove my face into them always, instead of resorting to being doctor or even a crook.