#Because I Love You
Ever wondered why I take the hit you give
Or why I have suddenly lost the will to live?
Have you ever thought of something besides yourself
or ever helped anyone when their help was due?
I know you've never thought of those things
Cause in pride, you keeping flapping your wings
not looking where you came from or where you're going
But in ignorance, flying where the wind is flowing.
Most times you're wrong and really know you are
You never apologise, rather stare at the lone star.
Though it hurts real bad I don't really complain
because I love you and that, I want to maintain.
When you go out I know you'll always come home
because the bee never loses it's way to its comb.
Though when you come back you're always drunk
I'm always there to help you out of the truck.
All day I always wish our love could be different
At night I wish it filled our room with a good cent
I keep waiting and waiting, not knowing how long
plus I still wonder how this will end, just like a song
There is nothing I wouldn't do to make us better
But all my attempts only makes it more bitter.
The problem is that you really don't care
You don't even want to know if your actions are fair.
Love is not easy that's why it's called love
it's not even easy to own, just like a dove.
So don't say you love me when you do not
Better, say that for my love, you never fought.
Okay, I'm really done with long talks
That's not how real love should take it's walks.
I'm going to let you figure this out someway
maybe you will come to your senses one day.
Moses Abasiene. 09/28/17
Dedicated to Relationship problems
#because I love you