The Beauty of Downfall
the beauty of downfall
a vase on a table,
surrounded by admirers-
she sparkles.
filled with flowers of innocent white
protected by the arms of day
the sunset kisses the sky
a song of tragedy sings
the night is coming-
crawling into the windows,
consuming the light;
staining her delicate petals
a vase on a table
her roses of black;
white daisies now lie in a stale idea
of a better day
the darkness pushes on-
pushing her
close to the edge and she shifts her weight
bringing on her downfall
it was only a matter of time
the ground approaches
too slowly
she is trapped in limbo-
or so perceived
the height of the table is undefined and uncontained
though when she reaches the ground
and the pieces of her shatter
into miniscule bits of sand
a remarkable happening will occur
those tiny broken grains will prevail
into something bigger
something better
a ray of sun will shine again
just in time
leaving a break in the night
a pile of fine, while glitter
though different,
changed now,
she sparkles again
fending off the black