Words of judgement and disdain are given to those who revere the beautiful.
Beauty is more than a shallow pool of self absorbsion.
Beauty is finding love in the spirit of all the universe encompasses.
As an artist,
As a human,
As loving spirit I want to change the world, and let the prejudiced see the beauty in all that exists.
Beautiful is the seventy year old woman that earned every storytelling laugh line on her face, living a life worth smiling about.
Beautiful is the newlywed grooms who hold more love for eachother than anyone could possibly imagine, a love stronger than the hate it attracts.
Beautiful is our mother earth, who sustains life despite all that we take from her and the toxins we poison her with.
Beautiful are the religious people who choose to let their beliefs shine from their spirit infectiously, rather than expel hate upon those who disagree.
Beautiful are the families that would carry the world for each other and expect nothing in return.
Beautiful is the nineteen year old art student, writing this in the hopes of living a life she can be proud of. A life full of laughter, oneness with nature, peace, trust, and immeasurable quantities of love to share with all she meets.
Beautiful is the soul that is reading this.
May the love in my words ignite the beauty in your spirit.