A Beautiful Surprise
When you came into our lives, you couldn't have scared us more.
You snuck your way in and caught us by surprise.
There was so much turmoil and confusion.
And yet you kept righ ton your way.
Your birthplace was one that brings us laughs as we look back.
(I'll tell you when you're older.)
Somehow out of all of this, you mangaed to be perfect,
In all your little faces and your crinkley little hands.
I couldn't love you more than I do right now.
You will always be loved, and don't you forget it.
I promise to love you each day and each second.
I will always be there for you, no matter the time of day.
And when you're complaining about your mom, I'll complain right with you.
But for now, you keep being adorable and I'll love you more with each little yawn.
I promise to be the best aunt ever,
My beautiful Isabella.