A Beautiful Smile

Fri, 11/16/2012 - 19:22 -- Jdybus


United States
39° 40' 29.2512" N, 74° 59' 27.6396" W

At school shes loved by everyone
Her teachers and peers admire her
She is always willling to give a helping hand
And on her face shares a Beautiiful Smile

She is respectful and kind to all
Loving and Caring even to strangers
Makes someones day better
All by that Beautiful Smile

A girl so cheerful and happy
Has a wonderful life with no worries
But if people only knew what went on
Behind that Beautiful Smile

At home her parents fight every second
Tears run down her soft cheeks every night
As her little brother runs is her room
She acts fine and puts on that Beautiful Smile

She is so strong and brave
Never having people see her cry
Or feel her pain but only remember
Her always with that Beautiful Smile


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