The Beautiful Hawaii
The sun scorches on the fine, coal-black sand
Sitting there are many birds popping in orange, red, dark periwinkle, and green
This is my cousin’s beautiful and tropical homeland
Where the beaches slowly lean in and life can be seen
Head up north to see the peaceful Akaka Falls
Not a voice to be heard, not a song to be sung
The cackling, cold clouds of Kamapua’a were called
Rain stomped in, but soon the colorful rainbow made the landscape once again young
The wind swims south of where the sun rises
The land bare and black, the ground rugged and rocky
Even though one may not see a sign of life, the pink hibiscus still reaches the skies
And the small, colorful birds are still quite talky
To where the sun sets, the cool-headed turtles invite us to a tiki town
One smiles, one frowns, one laughs, one cries
Those who violated the kapu-sacred laws-were either shot down
Or luckily escaped if they tried
As the island creatures start returning to their homes
The goddess, Pele, brushes her wavy, black hair with red petals to the ground
Matariki, with her smooth fingertips, pokes in the dark cloth white holes
The palm trees elegantly do the hula with a crisp, swaying sound