Beats of preservation
Each beat
pounding my chest brutally
from the inside
just how all things come from
just like how all things go
the metaphor
that cannot be defined
the last one to say
"Im sorry"
But rarely does it stop
the ever panicking heartbeat
do it
apologize for a temporary salvation
from the pain,
let yourself be fooled.
Because the guilt scares us all,
but the punishment it will bring us,
will force us to instinct.
where no loyalty survives
where our only responsibility is ourselves.
to save our own
from what makes us uncomfortable
and what causes us grief.
Go ahead
Hurt for others.
just like human empathy commands.
wavering the line between selfish sympathy,
when we all know that;
these hearts only really beats for ourselves.
This poem is about:
My family
My community
My country
Our world
Poetry Terms Demonstrated: