To Be Honest
New schools suck
I dont care what anybody says about fresh starts and clean slates
It honestly sucks the biggest butt you could ever imagine
All you do is meet new people that get on your last nerves because they don't even come close to comparing to your old friends
They stare at you like your a new species and constantly ask you the same questions and expect you to be Peppy McAsskisserson about everything
"To make a friend be a friend!"
Really? You probably were the lonilest and most desperate person in the universe to conduct that lame ass expression
I'm nobody's Peppy McAsskisserson
So no I don't want to abide by your lunch rules and yes I dont mind eating alone
And no I dont care whether you speak to me or not
I eat alone because being wiht everyone else is so annoying that my anxiety gets anxiety and that anxiety starts thinking "Fuck it I need a smoke"
New schools suck
Because to be honest no matter how much you complained
You loved your old one