Battles in the Mind
I used to look
watch and judge
those who didn't think like me
I used to criticize
make fun of and put down
those who didn't act like me
But of course
life has a way of turning
your faults
your actions
your words
your opinions
and shoving them full force back at you
So now
I no longer look at the person cutting themselves
and think
you're sick and weak
I no longer watch them and do nothing about it
I no longer judge the person who can't get out
of bed
in the morning because they are fighting
something I can't see
I used to think they deserve what they have
they complain too much
they can get over it
and now
I criticize myself
I make fun of myself
I put myself down
and I can't seem to get out of bed in the morning
And this isn't complaining
it's a cry for help
and this isn't something I can just get over
this is a battle inside a place I can't escape
my own mind