The Baggy Blue Hand-me-down Sweatpants
Sweatpants or blue jeans?
A smile hiding fake dreams
A knife hidden in those perfect teeth
On which your parents spent so many
Hard hours of work's pennies
So that their precious little baby
May just be ready
To shatter the glass of that stupid little selfie
Behind which confidence can slip
So easily.
And so I turn it off.
Phone stuffed in backpack pocket,
My eyes dance around the hallway
As the late bell rings they do sway
Glaring at the sun
And the way it refuses to turn away
Reflecting off the windows never clear,
But dirty with expectations so dear.
And the sun fills me with glory
And I know that I don't need
No 1AM nose rings
Or drifting cigarette rings
To feel beautiful in this never ending
Whirlwind of expectations.
And so while you woke up before the sun's gleam,
To follow 16 magazine
And put on your best jeans
Just know that I'll be
Formulating vivid dreams
So that I have something on which to build my reality
When I fall short of your beauty expectations
In my baggy blue hand me down sweatpants.
So now when that lunch bell rings
And we pass in the hallway,
And your glance happens my way
Away from your tightly packed posse
And you try not to stare
But my eyes, they do dare
You to look past my baggy blue hand me down sweatpants
And wisdom drawn eyes not closed,
But open to the crevices of the world drifting closer to me.
But then I'll hope that you won't see
My own demons hiding
Behind this makeup free,
Unruly, beautiful face
Which hides emotion more raw
Than that skin you rub so hard
To rid yourself of blemishes
So that maybe,
Just maybe,
You'll feel as beautiful as you're expected to be,
For after all,
We're only sexy ladies,
Unless we wear baggy blue hand me down sweatpants.
But that does not define you,
No that is not I
Who only lives for beauty
In other people's eyes.
But I challenge you,
To look into my own.
For my eyes,
They're grey
But they will never look away
From the light of tomorrow's day
That promises so much more
Than the rain clouding today.
So listen when I say:
We are more beautiful than our pixels,
More stunning than the sunniest day.