In "Awe" of "Some"
This is the link for the video, but it wont let me add it to the video/media section: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UY6WSXUGdZY
Kareem Williams
Power Poetry – Everything Is Awesome Poetry Slam
I Am In Awe of Some, Where Some Is Everything
Every little thing in my vicinity is beautiful to me.
From cars to stars
Media to meteor
Cookies and creams to sweet dreams, and all other things in between.
But why praise the craft when I could praise the creator, the one who is greater than them all.
You who created some that induces awe is more awesome than some
…Where some is everything.
YOU are MY EVERYTHING, so everything is just a sub category of you ...Including me.
You are the air that I breathe
The shirt to my sleeve
The (hatchu*) “Bless You!” to my sneeze
The ‘O’ to my ‘P’ AND the ‘Q’ after
The cap to my knee, and the skin around it ‘cuz you protect me
…Everything is Awesome.
My soul cries from the inside out and my flesh dies as I conform to your image…which is to be Awesome.
I’m sick of this!
Take this!
I give you all of me.
So you can make me new like fresh out of Mother’s womb with the umbilical cord still attached.
…But make me attached to you.
Thank you for loving me. I’m glad that you are love.
Help me to love you
Help me to You you
and Help me to You me cuz There is no me without you.
You opened my eyes for the first time so that I could realize the beauty
The beauty inside, outside, eastside, Westside
…All sides.
You opened my ears so that I could hear the song that all of creating sings for you.
You opened my heart and let love in and out.
You made me realize that everything is awesome.