Attempt number what?
Attempt number one was in the third grade
the first time she called me useless because I couldn't do a braid
The second attempt was much later
in the seventh grade when people behind my back snickered laughing at my pain
In eighth grade it wasnt me but someone else who almost took my life
bashing my head into the ground could to the trick alright
Attempt number three I was fourteen
just coming into acceptance with who I was supposed to be
Attempt number four
my feet touched the floor
Attempt number five
she told my faggots shouldn't be alive
Attempt number six
sink to the bottom of the pool with feet tied to bricks
Attempt number seven
'jesus doesn't want you in heaven'
Attempt number eight
I got to our date too late
Attempt number 9
A robin stopped me just in time
Attempt number ten
'Please never scare me like that again...'