An Attack of Very Sudden Thoughts
Ever wonder why there are so many times when you've had deja vu?
Or had a similar or the same exact experience as another person?
Maybe it's that we're just repeating the same thing, in a never-ending cycle.
Maybe past lives ARE real and we're literally doing the same thing now, as then.
Maybe we're in this loop where we just repeat history, don;t learn from our
mistakes, etc. If so, how do we break free? WHat if our lives are being controlled
by higher beings (God, gods, aliens, whatever you want to call it/them) and we
have no original actions of our own, save, perhaps our thoughts. But what if that's
how said higher beings created me or is manipulating me. It made me this way,
which is why I think these things? Or aybe it wants me to think these things
because it thinks that humans having moments of existential crisis is hilarious.
I should stop typing this now before all of our brains melt into oblivion... Unless
there's alternate dimensions. Then, if we died, we just wake up in another one.