The Art Peace
If I could change the World
I would paint the colors
of the azure sky and the
emerald grass in our eyes.
I would paint Truth, rustic,
and Faith, vivid yellow!
And Hope--with brush strokes that could
not compare to Starry Night.
If I could change the World
I would chisel the grim
and violent nature of
man, the hijacker of peace,
into an angel set
free from jagged marble
(as Michelangelo would
have seen) to reconcile scorn.
If I could change the World
I would free ourselves from
pain and misfortune so that
it may be replaced with art.
For only art can save
us from our bitter past
and bring to life instruments
that orchestrate resurgence.
Perhaps one day, we shall
learn to be the artist
instead of the foul critic;
the creator instead of the
denouncer...imagine that.