Apple Pıe Sweetstuff

Sat, 08/18/2012 - 07:18 -- FizTzle


United States
31° 7' 8.058" N, 83° 26' 34.8432" W

Sweet love like honey(bunch) oaks,
rub me down like mummylocks,
the core so round & deep,
juice be the seeds,
candyapple(Red) bone,
maybe thats why she stay,
cause that woman love sweet(talk) ,
never thought I would see the day,
that my arms would be hugin,
back to the sweetstuff,
Im not tryin to wife her,
cause she wouldn't man me,
that applepie good as a pecan(Pie) ,
wears glasses to protect from stream,
cooking smoke into the frame,
call her red(bone) honeyoaks,
seduction oh baby oh my,
diging into the core of fire,
like that apple won't be(Tomarrow) ,
what a pie if you had one,
my applepie sweetstuff.


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