Money vs Survival
Another worry versus another worry
Seeking money to survive veruses just survivng
Slaving away versus Living away
Tears of hardship versus Tears of real life.
Why must we worry about making enough to survive for just enough
Why don't we just worry about survivng and living off plenty
Why do fathom the idea of slaving away only to live paycheck to paycheck
Why do we cry for something that has no real value at the end of the day
How come we don't take advantage of the land around us, the free trees, free the water, and the free meat running from plane to plane and field to field.
All we're doing is working, buying, consuming, and dying. only to be granted a false sense of security, group of politicions waging terrorism on its citizens, and being brainwashed into thinking there is not such thing as living free.
Its a piece of paper vs real life.