America the Great?!
America the great? Don't you mean America the fake? We are the stealers and consumers of this land. It may be the home of the brave, but it will never be the land of the free. Why can the brave understand that the land they stole was so far away they had to travel over the sea. They murdered my ancestors because the "brave" were too scared of finding something and making it original. They were scared so they took it and now I believe it should be called the land of slayed and the home of seized. America was once great. Sure. I can believe that. What I cannot believe is that it wasn't yours to take. It wasn't yours to conquer. We lived in a peaceful land that was once under God, but God is no longer in this corrupted land. It is no longer the land of the free and the home of the brave. We were peaceful and true in unity and in love. Now all that their is here is just dried up blood. Of my ancestors and of my friends ancestors. We will never be great again. Never. Because they cannot and will not give back what was stolen from us all those years ago. I will never forget who the true savages were. I will never forget the amount of blood they shed. I will never forget the amount of women they raped. We have a day called Columbus Day. Why? Why do we have a day to celebrate the true savages. The ignorant white men who thought they were superior because WE looked different?! Because we were peaceful and lived in a land that was full of beautiful things that eventually died because of the disease the white men brought with them. We were on a great country. Before it was stolen and before a flag that symbolizes not those who died to make this country great, but for those who were killed and slaughtered, those who were raped and totured. So America will never be great again. Not while my ancestors spirits roam the lands while their blood is dried in the dirt and their bodies were burned and disrespected.