Always in Contest
Learning about poetry in school is not fun
this is what all of my classmates would say
It was not unusual for me to be the odd one out
so today was just an ordinary day
Poetry and I had a good relationship
it was one of the only ones that I had at the time
I didn't just leave it in the classroom
not even in my purple binder for English
I took it with me everywhere I went
This is not just a metaphor used for this poem
Poetry defined me
And I always seemed to be in a contest
This started when I was in the fourth grade
I only stood a few feet tall in front of judges three times my age
but there I stood reading a poem out of a little black book
I could barely even read at all
it was about a little lamb that was in a scary situation
she had to figure out how to not be eaten by the big bad wolf
she cleverly gets him to eat a hamburger instead
in the end, she was triumphant
Middle school swung around in a few short years
I couldn't shake the feeling that this contest
was a lot different than the rest
many of my friends had gotten bored and quit
But I could not seem to leave it behind
I continued for many years
reading poems of all kinds
silly ones and scary ones
In an instant, I was in the mind of Roald Dahl
and I was escaping from mine
In High School, everything seemed to get a lot more serious
This includes my poems
I said so long to the little lamb
as I started my love affair with slam
All of the sudden it wasn't just a contest
I took a stand on immigration
on rape
and mental illness
my coach let me choose what was important to me
I will never be able to thank her enough
I started to realize that not only can poetry be my therapist
but it is other people's too
I stitched together poems from other artists
each more talented than the last
6 poems in seven minutes
not just to win
but to fight
All of the sudden I was contesting a world that didn't pay attention
I knew that poetry couldn't solve all problems
but speaking up was increasingly important
in the end, it didn't matter if I won
because poetry is not a contest
but poetry contests many of the problems of the world
and on a smaller scale, it contested mine
There were many triumphs in my career
just like there were many setbacks
but four years is much like the speed of light
I blinked and all of the sudden it was gone
There is no speech and debate team at the college I will be attending
but if there is one thing poetry taught me
it is to never give up
I will be working towards creating a team
just to find a way to keep spreading a message through my little black book
An ode to slam poetry
if I look back at the fourth grade
I was taught such an important lesson
that little lamb realizes she is in trouble
but she does not fight with guns
or fists
or any sort of violence
She fights with her cleverness and her words
just like the poets who create
or rather
use our words to fight our battles
whether they be our own or those battles of others
So here is to speech and debate
to poetry interpretation
to let a teenage girl spread messages through poems
through powerful words
and metaphors that
may have a double meaning
Here's to finally realizing why
I am always in contest.