My body doesn't seem to want to work anymore.
But- my brain is still functional as ever before. My lungs don't seem to get much air.But nonetheless they are still there! My neck likes to dwindled further and further down.But now I admire what is our earthy ground. My muscles are weak though sometimes too tight.But they are used strongly (no doubt) with all my might. My voice is gone, sadly in a void.But i Thank The Lord for two thumbs and my droid! :) No matter what's happened.No matter what will come.My faith in god is never weary.It always stayed strong. ALS may have had its way.But my spirit forever will stay.With my girls and my wife .And My friends in my life. I can never be changed even now that I'm gone.My faith has made an impact.That will help others press on. Therefore i conclude.that in this battle.I have won and gotten through it.Even in an amble. I worked my whole life.Tried everything I could.From flying a plane to splitting wood. No matter the cost.My life isn't or will ever be lost.Just the physical damage.From what is ALS.But Love, faith, humor, and strength is what I have left.