
Crowded rooms, with groups of people,
No friendly faces shown,
Evil stares and sympathetic glares,
But I stand alone.

I’m sick of their thoughts said aloud,
All set in an obnoxious tone,
But I stick through it and ignore their hate,
And I still stand alone.

Few friends I have to comfort me,
Parents are never home,
Sometimes it’s not an illusion,
I really am alone.

By now many would be chilled,
But with no love I am stone,
No one cares enough to try,
And so I feel alone.

The world has gotten worse and worse,
Though they think that it has grown,
Trust me when I say this,
Because I stand alone.

They don’t understand me,
And from what I’ve known,
They don’t have the nerve to trust me,
And so I stand alone.

I feel as hollow as a cave,
Right down to the bone,
I wish and wish, and try so hard,
Yet I still stand alone.

Through the years I’ve learned a lot,
And I, myself have grown,
And with that knowledge I understand,
That I must stand alone.


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