You know what it's like to not fit in?
To not be a part of a group
or even your own family?
To be so isolated, so lonely,
that it feels like you don't belong anywhere?
To never know where to turn
or who to turn to?
To never know if anyone will actually be there
to catch you when you fall?
To help you to your feet?
To save you from your villains?
Your messes? Your mistakes?
To save you from yourself?
And do you know what it's like
to be so isolated,
that it feels like no one even notices?
No one even cares?
To feel like no one sees you
for who you are,
just what they've seen you as before?
To feel trapped in a dark room
that you stumble around in
only hoping not to crash or fall?
To feel hopeless as you wait for someone
to bring a light? To bring hope?
Only to keep waiting and waiting
because you have to find that light,
that hope, for yourself?
Do you know what it's like
to feel, to live, as I do,
completely, and utterly,