Poems from Magick_Candie

Magick_Candie's picture
I like to write
You tell me you're sorry for sleeping You tell me you're sorry for not answering You tell me you're sorry for your phone dying You tell me...
I'm not sure why I cry It wasn't mutual in the beginning I wouldn't be a priority  And I knew that from the start But it's okay, because  I...
There's something beautiful about him  Not in physical beauty, but in the way he cares He sees the world in a childlike way - a way that...
Only the privileged are free I had no immunity  There is a duty that I should’ve done But the voices in the quorum were blaming me of...
I was clean I was skin with faded scars I was free    It was the voices that told me In my head It was the things those kids didn't say  ...
