All I Need
If I was stranded on a deserted island, what would I take with me?
I should probably choose something practical, water or fire.
Some food or maybe something to create a shelter.
But all I really need to keep me alive is my love.
So that’s what I would take with me,
Ask me again, or a hundred more times and I’d take her.
The sleeping beauty that sleeps next to me,
whose loveliness brings tears to my eyes.
If I couldn’t wake up to her beautiful face,
I would prefer not to wake up at all.
I read it in a fortune cookie that love is as
necessary for humans as food or shelter.
Whoever wrote that knows what it’s all about.
Because my lover, she could turn any deserted island
Into a five-star resort, just with her smile,
Just with the laugh that always brings me back
To everything that’s still good in the world.
Cause for me, she’s at the top of my list.
At times she is my whole list.
There’s nothing else I really need, I think she’s it for me.
And I know plenty of poets and multitudes of artists
Who would say these kind of things.
But I feel it so deep, I hope she needs me,
Hope she knows what she means to me.
My love is all I need.