Akonadi, The people's activist.
"Akonadi, the people’s activist."
Akonadi is an oracular goddess of justice and a guardian deity for
women. Inspired by a Ghananian goddess.
"Born in the motherland, Akonadi knows struggle
Growing up seeing that the world didn’t favor those like her, made her blood boil
Seeing her country during hard times, and her people having to adjust
Are memories that repeats in her head, is why she fights for what is right
It started out small, writing about how the government was so corrupt
Writing was hard anyway, as they didn’t fund the schools
Leaving Akonadi and the children around her to fend for themselves
Share books and break down each word and syllable on every page
Joining social media, Akonadi gained a following
People liked what she had to say, she had a way with words
Her accounts of injustice of the underprivileged around the world
Her speeches on social and economic injustice gave her an even bigger platform
Surrounded by crowds, she shines
Screams, shouts, and cries that carry a heavy weight with each line
Her people matter, matter more than a punch and a bullet
She speaks to her people and those who can’t see through it
Similar to the power of Ella Baker’s words
Her messages, stand clear like Angela Davis spurs
Like Ms. Chisholm, she fights The Good Fight
“Ain’t I too, a woman? Or just for a woman of white?”
At the end of every assembly, to the very last shout
Akonadi raises her right fist, showing strength to keep going
And to display an unwavering spirit
To those who watch
She’s there for every movement, every March and meeting
She hangs posters, ads, and shows up on t.v. to spread the word
She’s there for every hashtag, every tweet, and post
She’s there for every opportunity, to fight for justice, for those who need it the most."