After a Suicide

Why didn't she come talk to me?
Why didn't she say something was wrong?
Why didn't she reach out for help?
Come to think of it, she didn't sleep.
The dark pockets weighed down her eyes.
I thought the cause was just college.
I didn't realize.
When she was younger she used to dance,
Play worship music and sing.
When she backed out I didn't think
It seriously meant anything.
You know, her best friend moved away.
Between them things were tense.
She told me they didn't talk.
I guess we were kinda dense.
She used to talk, argue, narrate
With passion in her eyes.
When she got quiet, I should've known
Something wasn't right.
She used to sit straight, pay attention.
The pressure curled her shoulders like a C
Like a straw in a flame
She crumpled, empty.
Did she ever talk to you?
No, I don't know why.
I wish I'd gone and spoken to her.
It couldn't have hurt. Why didn't I?
I thought she would have told me.
If I'd been there I could've seen.
I hate she didn't call me.
I would've if I could've been.
I guess I should have known,
If I'd paid more attention.
She wasn't easy to crack.
She lived in another dimension.
I think we made it clear
We were always there?
I hope she knew we cared.
I wish she would've let me in,
Opened just a crack.
I guess it doesn't matter,
After the fact.


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