Actions Speak Louder
Because I love you
I share with you
pour out for you
every last hope
care and confession
joy and obsession
All the beauty and sadness
that stirs my soul
Because I love you
I listen to you
am silent while you
unbury the hurt
make it known to another
Show love when
you've none left to give
Because I love you
I wait for you
hold your hand while you
fight through the waves of crippling fear
when the real you
is far, far away
When light comes tomorrow
but our bond is today
Because I love you
I come to you
have faith that you
will hold my
in gentle hands
When my hope
is so easily bruised
Because I love you
I plan with you
mark maps with you
pack my bags
pinch my pennies
spend them
All in one place -
our place
Because I love you
I run with you
chase dreams with you
let you see
I'm not just
passing through
I stay by your side
leaving old ways for new
Because I love you