Actions are stronger

If I cried would you hold me than,

Or would you pretend not to see?

Do you have any idea how alone I feel with you now,

Does the computer game hold so much more importance over me?

Will you ever tell me that I am beautiful?

Make me feel like I am the only one for you?

It’s so hard to talk to you,

Harder than I feel it should be.

I want to break down my walls for you,

But I don’t see you showing any interest in knowing more about me.

I feel ignored and unneeded right now,

It hurts to feel like I am not even coming in second place in you life.

I wanted to make love to you tonight,

But the game was more what you had in mind.

How would you feel if I never tried to spend time with you.

If I made you feel alone and ignored?

I don’t like feeling this way,

I have been here before and it sucks.

I don’t want a repeat from my past with you,

I want a love that will last with you.

Why does it feel like I am just taking up space for you?





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