5X I Love You

Wed, 01/11/2017 - 06:55 -- 9dburge

When I was little

I was a lil squirt

Of the child at my dad I was the middle

Of the perfect crew

I know I don’t fit the bill

But I deeply care about you

And I always will

Day in and day out

No matter how things go

My love for you is constant

This, I hope you know

I love you

Today is not Mother’s Day

Nor is it your birthday

Today is not your anniversary

But this poem is very necessary 

You manage different roles, not just a mother

You are a decision maker and a protector

Kudos to you for being so awesome

You are the reason that all our lives blossom

I love you

I might have always been

Very nonchalant with you

A little too laid-back

And you that definitly bothered too

My attitude may have sucked

For I never cared enough

I have given you anxiety

And your life, so tough

But that’s just how life’s situations

Had made things out to be

Don’t let that ever make you think

That you aren’t the world’s best mom to ever be

I love you

Mothers are like flowers

Tender and delicate

One minute they laugh

The next minute their eyes are wet

Mothers are also like trees

Firm, strong and tough

They give shade and shelter

Protecting when times are rough

I love you 

Tho with me there never a dull moment

I promise one day you'll know it was all worth it.

I love you mom

This poem is about: 
My family


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