5:50 a.m
Eyes are restless and heavy
As a brick on the chest cavity sits.
My body feels nothing but pure hunger.
A hunger for nothing but more slumber.
6:00 a.m
Eyes are still restless and heavy
As an urge to crawl back in bed still stirs
I walk miserably off a cliff
A cliff that leads to a lengthy, black, rotting abyss.
7:03 a.m
Eyes are restless and heavy
As the gates to hell open and words become deadly.
Entering this portal I feel a painful ache.
An ache that cries to resurface and wake.
Time slowly passes and I become nothing but very nervous,
Even anxious.
8:10 a.m
Anger sets in.
Tantrums are at the brim.
Urges to throw things are held forcefully within.
I smirk with uncontrollable odium.
Oh how Hell was bearable until this!
I must escape.
Escape to any other much painful level of Hell rather than this.
8:53 a.m
Run. Escape, Freedom I can tast.
In my grasp a handle to a door rests.
Only now is the chance to save myself from a hideous fate.
One can only imagine how I put up with such torture.
To this I wish I had an answer.
10:50 a.m
Eyes are again restless and heavy.
As boredom rushes in my veins.
I struggle to not close my drained eyes.
Eyes that are so exhausted and tortured by the remaining hours of Hell.
12:06 p.m
Eyes so restless...
Everything has just settled and blurred.
I just allow all words to bounce off of me.
Bounce away to a place so empy and cold.
2:06 p.m
Nothing matters to me now
So close to the gates of freedom.
Something in me has finally begun to awaken
My muscles are twitching with excitement.
In my seat, I no longer want to rest.
2:15 p.m
A remarkable alarm penetrates from somewhere above
My legs take over and begin to sprint.
I run fast for my only chance to be free.
Out of the gates of Hell to a world gleaming with glee.
2:15-11:59 p.m
Completely awake,
I dance without care and sing without fear.
On top of the world nothing can stop me!
That is until I must fall asleep and then sadly repeat.
Where true Hell secretly hides
Slyly disguised.