It is 2:30 am, Thursday night
You’ve gone to sleep and I can’t stop thinking about you
My heart feels heavy but in the best way, my thoughts feel light
My heart feels so much for you, i am crying but i don't feel blue
I feel so happy, i feel so free, i feel so right
Tonight you cried, and i cried too because seeing you sad makes me so upset
I never want to see you sad, it makes me sad, your happy eyes are wet
I don’t ever want to see you cry unless it is happy tears
Like the ones i am having writing this, i can't wait to see you and give you a kiss
The way i feel about you is something that i have never felt
I cry, but i am not sad, i am not scared, i am content
You make my heart melt
You make every hard day not too hard to be dealt
I wish i could take all your pain and ease your brain
I am happy i can help you feel sane
I am happy i can help you feel happy when it rains
When you are sad, i feel it too
When you are blue, i am blue too
When you catch a flu, i might too
I knew i was falling but tonight i cried, i realized i love you
Love is a scary word, but it doesn’t feel as scary with you
It feels like how i feel about you, that i am in love with you
You make me feel brand new
You make me feel like you are something that i always knew
You make everything seem possible to get through
Everything is easily possible with you
Everything is beautiful with you.