1 God - Poems on God , Creator - volume 3
Copyright © by Nikhil Parekh
All rights reserved. No Part of this book publications may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, Electronic, Mechanical, Photocopying, Recording, Print or otherwise, without prior permission of Copyright owner and Author, Nikhil Parekh.
This Book which has 50 differently titled Poems , is actually volume 3 of the Book titled – 1 God – Poems on God , Creator ( 522 pages ) .
A Profound Dedication
A ramification of the innumerable Omnipotent fragrances of life that I've smelt by the grace of God-I'm grateful to him for enlightening me about his chapters of invincible creation and considering me worthy enough to describe his unparalleled splendor, in a few words and in the shape of this book. A salient tribute to his undefeated power.
The compilation of poems depicts the Omniscient Creator in his infinite unconquerable shapes and forms. Goes to irrefutably prove that there is just one Creator, you choose to call him by whatever name-and for everyone one of us till the time we live. This book is a perpetual dedication to Almighty Lord. It quintessentially portrays the splendor of the Almighty Creator in his infinite forms. Goes to victoriously prove at every step, that no matter how hard the devil tries to annihilate the planet-an inconspicuous tap of the Lord's finger makes him crumble to his very last non-existent frigid roots.
About the Book
Poems depicting the 'Omnipotent' glory of the Creator in an infinite forms that the poet could ever conceive. Natural and uninhibited outpourings of the heart these poems transport the reader into a world of spirituality and
magnificence of Godhead. Every poetic piece shows Parekh's unparalleled love for the Almighty and immortalizes the Omnipresent aura of the Lord in a boundless ways and shapes. This spiritually enriched compendium of poems is for all those who've timelessly admired the miraculous prowesses and powers of God at each stage of their lives. Those who've lived each instant of their lives worshipping his Omniscient grace irrespective of the most murderous hell descending around. The poetic imagery brilliantly transcends over every inhibition of caste, creed, color and religion and goes to perpetually prove that all living beings are one and blessed in his fathomless sacrosanct light of truth. The poems depict Parekh's oneness in mind, body and spirit with the Creator.
I spoke a blatantly incorrigible “NO”; when the unconventional society manipulatively cajoled me to leave my poetry and do an obnoxiously mundane office job instead,
I spoke a congenial “PLEASE”; when I wanted to be wholesomely with my beloved; wanted to uninhibitedly admire her and infact she wanted to mélange with the glittering and star studded party,
I spoke a pathetically morose “SORRY”; when I had committed a blunder at home; broken my neighbors glass pane; with the obdurate cricket ball I was tossing wildly in my hands,
I spoke an audaciously domineering ‘EXCUSE ME”; when I was being irascibly poked in the cumbersomely long queue; and each time I as I felt my number had finally arrived at the ticket counter; somebody else barged in forcibly; disrupting all my fun,
I spoke a compassionate “THANK YOU”; when the things I insatiably desired; were delivered at lightening speeds on my feathered doorstep,
I spoke an inevitable “YES”; when the girl of my dreams; the divinely charisma of my perceptions; invited me to embark on a shopping spree of the contemporarily fabulous city,
I spoke a supremely cordial “HELLO”; when I met a person for the first time in my life; didn’t know the slightest as regards his uncanny persona,
I spoke an inadvertently embarrassing “IDIOT”; when the imbecile donkey standing in the middle of the street; intractably refused to budge an inch to the side; no matter how stringently I blew the horn of my monstrous automobile,
I spoke an overwhelmingly agitated “STOP”; when the battalion of sordid mosquitoes hovering around my ear; unrelentingly buzzed a flurry of pertinently discordant tunes,
I spoke an ebulliently exhilarated “RUN”; when my friend was just about to commence the race; the bellicose pistol shots punctured still carpets of
air triggering its start,
I spoke a superlatively commanding “SLEEP”; to the innocuously stubborn child; who kept playing with his toy; even well past after wee hours of the midnight,
I spoke a mischievously flirtatious “HI”; at witnessing a voluptuous damsel on the solitary streets; that is after she winked at me with a tantalizingly playful nod of her head,
I spoke a timidly submissive “PARDON ME”; when I couldn’t catch the indispensable words which the professor blurted; the very sentences which could surely arrive in the next day’s deplorable exam paper,
I spoke a tumultuously volatile “I LOVE YOU”; when the only girl I loved; the queen of my hearts seemed to be drifting far away from me into a land of alien
I spoke a thunderously loud “SHUT UP”; when a cheeky intruder kept interrupting my conversation; disturbed my astronomical bouts of concentration; when I was blissfully communicating with my Omniscient Creator,
I spoke an infuriatingly abashing “RASCAL”; when the men I had stationed to guard my mother from perilously lurking evil; were found dreamily dozing in the peak of brilliant afternoon; with a basket of peeled banana skins loitered sloppily around their feet,
I spoke a tearfully dolorous “BYE’’; when my beloved was going for a few days to her maternal home; and an ocean of agony oozed out poignantly from
my heart and eye,
I spoke a convivially eloquent “BON APPETITE”; when I sat with my friend fir nocturnal dinner; with an appetizing fleet of sumptuous delicacies lying right before me; sizzling ravishingly into my eyes,
I said an inexorably euphoric “ENJOY”; when I saw the impetuously flamboyant youngster dancing rampantly on the dance floor; swishing his body in nimble harmony with the seductive moonlight,
I said an unprecedentedly formal “NICE TO MEET YOU”; when my brief discourse with the Minister ended; and I had manipulatively extracted from his mouth the exact string of words I had actually dreamt of,
And I spoke a mystically Omnipotent “ALLAH”; every morning as I jolted off from heavenly sleep; every night as I bid farewell to the world for a short time;
and all those moments when I was confronted with inexplicable quandaries in life; when life seemed to be a gruesomely unfathomable turmoil.
You might have consumed the most overwhelmingly delectable food today; but who knows the very next day it might perhaps expurgate out entirely with unprecedented fervor from your impoverished body,
You might have worn the most pricelessly impeccable of clothes today; but who knows the very next day they might perhaps become indescribably sordid; with
particles of malicious dust and preposterously worthless grime floating in the atmosphere,
You might have adorned the most tantalizingly profound mascara today; but who knows the very next day it might perhaps resemble amorphous nothingness; obnoxiously blended with remorsefully decrepit sweat from all sides,
You might have sprinkled the most exquisitely designer and redolent perfume today; but who knows the very next day it might perhaps dissolve into vapid oblivion; being entirely massacred by the whirlpool of irascible smoke and adulteration in the malevolently prejudiced society,
You might have ardently inflated the most exuberantly robust balloons today; but who knows the very next day they might perhaps reduce to grotesquely ludicrous peas of their original selves; being iconoclastically subjugated by the whiplash of storm; wind and rain,
You might have smoked the most aristocratically opulent cigars today; but who knows the very next day they might perhaps be nothing but tawdry specks
of infinitesimally horrendous ash,
You might have driven the most insurmountably luxurious cars today; but who knows very next day they might perhaps become an acrimoniously indiscernible
wreckage; suffering the aftermath of gory accident on their polished fronts,
You might have written on the most exotically white paper today; but who knows the very next day it might perhaps metamorphose into baseless guttural shit; brutally lambasted by heinously hedonistic dust; blowing from all sides,
You might have philandered on the most pristinely embellished slopes of grass today; but who knows the very next day they might perhaps transit into slained battlefields of vindictive blood; with countless laying down their lives in their quest to save the planet,
You might have slurped wine from the most royally sculptured glasses today; but who knows the very next day they might perhaps gruesomely disorient themselves into fretfully shattered bits of meaninglessness; egregiously dropping on the obdurate floors,
You might intransigently scrubbed your body with the most efficaciously effusive antiseptic today; but who knows the very next day it might perhaps stink more insidiously than a pigstalk; innocuously tripping into the inadvertently open farm gutter,
You might have relished the most contemporarily swanky watches on your wrist today; but who knows the very next day they might perhaps cease to function even an evanescent tick; as the bewitching battery conked and miserably stuttered without regrets,
You might have brandished the most eternally scintillating swords today; but who knows the very next day they might perhaps develop flagrantly hapless innuendo’s of rust; as an appalling gloom of forlorn moisture unexpectedly set in,
You might have slept on the most handsomely expensive sheets of silk today; but who knows the very next day they might perhaps become dreadfully tottered and ominous rags; with moths and rats salaciously devouring them from every construable end,
You might have bathed under the most ravishingly effulgent waterfalls today; but who knows the very next day they might perhaps evaporate into wisps of
disparagingly decaying nothingness; under the unendingly truculent tenacity of the ferocious Sun,
You might have miraculously memorized every perceivable scripture of medieval past today; but who knows the very next day it might perhaps desert you like light deserting the night; as you suffered from inexplicably delirious aphasia of the highest degree,
You might have irrefutably cleansed your conscience of all its cannibalistic guilt today; but who knows the very next day it might be perhaps irretrievably seduced once again; by bawdy vixens lasciviously exposing their flesh,
You might have breathed the most extraordinarily puristic and holistic air today; but who knows the very next day the fangs of uncannily barbarous death; might perhaps irrevocably asphyxiate your existence without the tiniest of forewarning,
But if you earnestly dedicated every beat of your heart to the paradise of immortal love today; then not only me but God knows it for sure; that you would
continue to exist as the most blessed organism forever and ever and ever; without any question of “Perhaps” intervening in between.
Till the time I didn’t have a dwelling of my own; I indefatigably kept craving for one in my every wish; irretrievably fantasizing about those moments when the roof above my head would be of compassionate wood; instead of the endlessly impersonal and fathomless sky,
But the instant the Omnipotent Almighty Lord gave it to me; I felt it was nothing that special; and immediately commenced to dream of a castle even better; such was the greedily goddamned parasite in me !
Till the time I didn’t have a car of my own; I tirelessly kept craving for that majestically four wheeled monster; that magnanimously blissful comfort
which would save the heels of my feet from getting wholesomely extinct,
But the instant the insuperable Almighty Lord gave it to me; I felt it was nothing that special; and immediately commenced to dream of an aircraft even better; such was the worthlessly goddamned parasite in me !
Till the time I didn’t have quintessential currency notes of my own; I irrevocably kept craving for those glorious bundles of paper; which had the power to celestially mollify my uncontrollably reverberating hunger; in the uncouth world today,
But the instant the invincible Almighty Lord gave them to me; I felt they were nothing that special; and immediately commenced to dream of a world treasury
even better; such was the frigidly goddamned parasite in me!
Till the time I didn’t have a watch of my own; I dogmatically kept craving for that exquisite designer dial; which would save me the tyranny of everytime looking at the position of the blistering Sun and ghoulish Moon,
But the instant the inimitable Almighty Lord gave it to me; I felt it was nothing that special; and immediately commenced to dream of a politically domineering clock even better; such was the meaninglessly goddamned parasite in me !
Till the time I didn’t have a bathtub of my own; I immutably kept craving for those superbly antiseptic silken foam baths; those splashes of exotically perfumed water that would save me rolling unrelentingly in the criminally unsolicited gutters,
But the instant the unparalleled Almighty Lord gave it to me; I felt it was nothing that special; and immediately commenced to dream of a limitless ocean even better; such was the insanely goddamned parasite in me !
Till the time I didn’t have a jewel of my own; I inexorably kept craving for those moments when there would an infallible twinkle on my skin; and my disdainfully tottered rags would metamorphose into the aisles of mesmerizing paradise,
But the instant the fathomless Almighty Lord gave it to me; I felt it was nothing that special; and immediately commenced to dream of a boundless rainbow even better; such was the hedonistically goddamned parasite in me !
Till the time I didn’t have an integrity of my own; I unceasingly craved for those priceless times; when I would walk with my head held high; arm in arm with
every conceivable echelon of the conventionally civilized society,
But the instant the Omnipresent Almighty Lord gave it to me; I felt it was nothing that special; and immediately commenced to dream of a perpetual heavenliness even better; such was the bizarrely goddamned parasite in me !
Till the time I didn’t have breath of my own; I intractably craved for those cherished moments; when I would inhale iridescently blessed air from the atmosphere; deluge the impoverished periphery of my strangulated lungs with triumphantly impregnable
But the instant the Omniscient Almighty Lord gave it to me; I felt it was nothing that special; and immediately commenced to dream of a countless lives even better; such was the tawdrily goddamned parasite in me !
And Till the time I didn’t have love of my own; I unstoppably craved for those winds of unconquerable ecstasy; those heavens of immortal blessings that would transform me into the most ebullient organism alive; for infinite more births of mine,
But the instant the perennial Almighty Lord gave it to me; it was the very first time in my life when I relinquished every other craving; handsomely contented; miraculously mitigated and forever liberated; O! Yes it was the very first time in my life that the salaciously goddamned parasite in me; forever died !
You might be ripped apart to an infinite pieces of nothingness; by the bawdily conventional and disdainfully ostracizing society outside,
You might be dragged through the aisles of living mortuaries worse than hell; by the scurrilously decrepit and bizarrely baseless society outside,
You might be mercilessly thrashed with whiplashes of ignominiously vengeful abhorrent all day; by the diabolically parasitic and sadistically sinister society outside,
You might be brutally pierced in your tongue and till the very last bone of your philanthropic spine; by the disgustingly dramatic and pompously pulverizing society outside,
But remember O! mate; irrespective of whatever on this commercially sinful earth today; for every benevolent sharing of yours; for every truthful ramification of your soul; for every symbiotic desire that you nurtured and diffused; there were the greatest of God’s saluting you; there were the greatest of God’s proclaiming you as the most pricelessly insuperable in the cosmos and terrestrial trajectory; alike.
You might be salaciously hurled into a dungeon of vindictively stabbing scorpions without a cloth on your body; by the criminally unforgiving and monstrously remorseful outside,
You might be cold-bloodedly divested of quintessential water for marathon days; by the forlornly prejudiced and tyrannically hideous society outside,
You might be made ludicrously infertile; by the murderously insane and
pathetically quavering society outside,
You might be buried a boundless feet beneath your veritable grave for displaying unflinchingly patriotic bravery; by the treacherously satanic and haughtily maudlin society outside,
But remember O! mate; irrespective of whatever on this amorphously cadaverous earth today; for every harmoniously mellifluous sermon of yours; for every passionately uninhibited cry of your soul; for every wound that you altruistically healed of your suffering compatriots; there were the greatest of God’s saluting you; there were the greatest of God’s proclaiming you as the most pricelessly perpetual in the cosmos and terrestrial trajectory; alike.
You might be hedonistically stripped of even the most infinitesimal bone of your body; by the horrendously egregious and tawdrily truculent society outside,
You might be surreptitiously administered venom in every morsel of food that you consumed; by the miserably impoverished and barbarously damned society outside,
You might be gruesomely blinded since the very first cry of your pristine birth; by the lethally lascivious and lackadaisically lecherous society outside,
You might be made a pennilessly feckless whisker of unceasingly flagrant parody; by the indiscriminately ribald and unsolicitedly tempestuous society outside,
But remember O! mate; irrespective of whatever on this senselessly robotic earth today; for every philanthropically handsome yearning of yours; for every indefatigably humanitarian fantasy lingering profoundly in the whites of your eyes; for every orphan whom you unequivocally embraced till the very last breath of your life; there were the greatest of God’s saluting you; there were the greatest of God’s proclaiming you as the most pricelessly inimitable in the cosmos and terrestrial trajectory; alike.
You might be subjugated and molested with a trillion agonies in a single minute; by the violently unsparing and vituperatively delirious society outside,
You might be kept austerely aloof from even the most ephemeral trace of light; by the heartlessly shriveled and demonically corrupt society outside,
You might be made to bleed to death right infront of your divinely parents eyes; by the cunningly cannibalistic and pervertedly incarcerated society outside,
You might be zanily sacrificed as an offering to the Creator on the spuriously maniacal altar; by the tirelessly rotting and unsurpassably demented society
But remember O! mate; irrespective of whatever on this manipulatively balderdash earth today; for every compassionately truthful cry of your heart; for every step that you alighted to miraculously ameliorate the dreadfully estranged planet; for every optimistically synergistic enlightenment that you disseminated in the haplessly dying corpses; there were the greatest of God’s saluting you; there were the greatest of God’s proclaiming you as the most pricelessly unconquerable in the cosmos and terrestrial trajectory; alike.
From exactly the point where the thought process of the miserably decrepit night ended; started the optimistic imagination of brilliantly Omnipotent and blessedly purifying; daylight,
From exactly the point where the thought process of obnoxiously dogmatic lies ended; started the Omnipresent imagination of handsomely ebullient and insuperably righteous; truth,
From exactly the point where the thought process of obsolete desolation ended; started the vivacious imagination of uninhibitedly free and effulgently majestic; happiness,
From exactly the point where the thought process of vindictively disparaging drought ended; started the Omnipotent imagination of unceasingly rejuvenating
and quintessentially euphoric; rain,
From exactly the point where the thought process of the salaciously marauding parasite ended; started the ubiquitous imagination of sacredly rhapsodic
and pricelessly bonding; humanity,
From exactly the point where the thought process of barbarously incarcerating slavery ended; started the patriotic imagination of limitlessly wonderful
and gloriously eternal; freedom,
From exactly the point where the thought process of dastardly worthless abuse ended; started the prolific imagination of astoundingly spell binding and beautifully burgeoning; procreation,
From exactly the point where the thought process of meaninglessly rotting chicanery ended; started the fragrant imagination of everlastingly embracing and celestially insuperable; honesty,
From exactly the point where the thought process of haplessly tortured loneliness ended; started the pristine imagination of compassionately embracing
and unflinchingly united; togetherness,
From exactly the point where the thought process of demonically murderous nightmare ended; started the royal imagination of exhilaratingly stupefying
and charismatically redolent; fantasy,
From exactly the point where the thought process of hedonistically uxorious ugliness ended; started the garnished imagination of amazingly nubile and resplendently exotic; beauty,
From exactly the point where the thought process of maliciously vagrant illiteracy ended; started the discerning imagination of sagaciously enlightening and altruistically magical; benevolence,
From exactly the point where the thought process of devastatingly terrorizing politics ended; started the iridescent imagination of eclectically vivid and panoramically mitigating; artistry,
From exactly the point where the thought process of sinfully insidious betrayal ended; started the triumphant imagination of perennially melanging and unbreakably peerless; friendship,
From exactly the point where the thought process of nonchalantly sadistic oblivion ended; started the blissful imagination of jubilantly enamoring and tantalizingly coalescing; melody,
From exactly the point where the thought process of sardonically lambasting devilishness ended; started the fecund imagination of unsurpassably Samaritan and enchantingly ameliorating; goodness,
From exactly the point where the thought process of diabolically prejudiced perfidiousness ended; started the perpetual imagination of immortally unstoppable and aristocratically earnest; love,
From exactly the point where the thought process of ghoulishly fretful death ended; started the benign imagination of unassailably victorious and Omnipresently evolving; life,
And from exactly the point where the thought process of every worthlessly conceivable and inconceivable; every fecklessly living and non-living; every molecular human and insect; on this earth had ended; started the Omniscient imagination of the unendingly spawning and boundlessly unconquerable; Almighty Lord.
Reach out to the mystically panoramic trees; and exuberantly frolicking wind will reach out to every frenetically beleaguered pore of your body; will wholeheartedly reach out to you,
Reach out to the exotically burgeoning clouds; and mystically tantalizing globules of rain will reach out to every brutally emaciated cranny of your persona; will wholeheartedly reach out to you,
Reach out to the indomitably towering mountains; and invincibly compassionate companionship will reach out to every inexplicably shivering bone of your body;
will wholeheartedly reach out to you,
Reach out to the uninhibitedly ecstatic nightingales; and inimitably mellifluous sound will reach out to every disastrously bereaved footstep of yours; will wholeheartedly reach out to you,
Reach out to the majestically undulating ocean; and unsurpassably rhapsodic tanginess will reach out to every heartlessly rotting image in your brain; will wholeheartedly reach out to you,
Reach out to the freshly born blissful child; and unassailably regale heavenliness will reach out to every forlornly parasitic cranny of your soul; will wholeheartedly reach out to you,
Reach out to the flamboyantly Omnipotent Sun; and tirelessly blessing rays of optimistic enlightenment will reach out to every cold-bloodedly bloodshot ingredient of your eyes; will wholeheartedly reach out to you,
Reach out to the iridescently twinkling rainbow; and unflinchingly peerless vivaciousness will reach out to every lugubriously dilapidated muscle of your
countenance; will wholeheartedly reach out to you,
Reach out to the royally swaying roses; and innocuously unadulterated fragrance will reach out to every derogatorily prejudiced hair of your persona; will wholeheartedly reach out to you,
Reach out to the lap of the wonderfully sacred mother; and insurmountably incomparable selflessness will reach out to every delinquent dream of yours; will wholeheartedly reach out to you,
Reach out to the tantalizingly effulgent night; and an unfathomable gorge of glorious enchantment will reach out to every dreadfully extinguishing reflection of yours; will wholeheartedly reach out to you,
Reach out to the marvelously shimmering dewdrops; and unbelievably charismatic artistry will reach out to every unceremoniously mangled nail of yours; will wholeheartedly reach out to you,
Reach out to altruistically blazing patriotism; and incomprehensibly sacred immortality will reach out to every iota of your crimson blood; will wholeheartedly reach out to you,
Reach out to quintessentially fructifying soil; and magnificently sparkling fruits of creation will reach out to every monotonously surreptitious attitude of yours; will wholeheartedly reach out to you,
Reach out to the ebulliently whistling air; and unlimitedly unceasing freedom will reach out to every hedonistically tormented of your stride; will wholeheartedly reach out to you,
Reach out to exhilaratingly emollient forest; and a cosmos of fathomlessly priceless adventure will reach out to every dementedly ungainly virtue of yours; will wholeheartedly reach out to you,
Reach out to the spirit of egalitarian symbiotism; and the breaths of effulgently mesmerizing life will reach out to every pathetically dying beats of your conscience; will wholeheartedly reach out to you,
Reach out to the passionately thundering heart; and the winds of Omnipresently immortal love will reach out to every aspect of your murderously satanic existence; will wholeheartedly reach out to you,
Reach out to every fraternity of humanity and plentiful living kind handsomely alike; and the Omniscient Almighty Lord will reach out to every radiation of your worthlessly molecular survival; will wholeheartedly reach out to you.
The voluptuously swaying nightingales; magnanimously awarded me with the certificate of blissfully serene singing,
The fathomlessly sluggishly ambling and pot-bellied tortoise; uninhibitedly awarded me with the certificate of non-invasively phlegmatic laziness,
The boundlessly sweltering terrain of the unbelievably scorching desert; deservingly awarded me with the certificate of unrelentingly hard-earned perspiration,
The candidly reflecting and irrefutably unflinching mirror; philanthropically awarded me with the certificate of gloriously majestic truth,
The resplendently rain soaked peacock; celestially awarded me with the certificate of vivaciously enamoring dance,
The insatiably impeccable avalanche of gargantuan ice; bounteously awarded me with the certificate of astoundingly unnerved coolness,
The cocoon of crimson clouds in limitless sky; rhapsodically awarded me with the certificate of inimitably unparalleled sensuousness,
The unequivocally flirtatious squirrel; enchantingly awarded me with the certificate of unsurpassably inscrutable and timeless frolic,
The peerlessly parading and towering lion; unabashedly awarded me with the certificate of pricelessly exhilarating majesty,
The regally scarlet and poignant wonderful rose; marvelously awarded me with the certificate of undauntedly Samaritan scent,
The Spartan robes of immaculate white; chivalrously awarded me with the certificate of amazingly unbiased simplicity,
The tirelessly undulating and effulgently arcane sea; brilliantly awarded me with the certificate of unendingly effusive tanginess,
The ubiquitously overpowering dinosaur; intrepidly awarded me with the certificate of indomitably Herculean and endless strength,
The exuberantly flapping kites in clear sky; unlimitedly awarded me with the certificate of indefatigably nervous energy,
The mischievously batting eyelids; pristinely awarded me with the certificate
of blessedly symbiotic flirtation,
The mystically vacillating and transiently titillating rainbows; graciously awarded me with the certificate of eclectically burgeoning diversity,
The intransigently functioning globe outside; courteously awarded me with the certificate of sagaciously punctilious pragmatism,
The aristocratically nubile maiden with a uncontrollably passionate heart; gregariously awarded me with the certificate of perennially fructifying love,
And the Omnipotent Almighty Lord not only unassailably awarded me with the certificate of fearlessly charismatic life; but impregnated the quintessential tenacity in all of the above and infinite more to be able to benevolently honor me; to award me with spell binding certificates.
God loves all those fearlessly impeccable eyes; which teach countless other haplessly despairing eyes; the virtues of pricelessly synergistic humanity,
God loves all those perennially smiling lips; which teach countless other despairingly desolate lips; to uninhibitedly diffuse into an unsurpassable of perennial happiness,
God loves all those philanthropically bestowing palms; which teach countless other gruesomely maligned palms; the art of unflinchingly peerless camaraderie,
God loves all those poignantly unbiased streams of blood; which teach countless other indiscriminately massacring streams of blood; to timelessly bond in the
religion of invincibly emollient humanity,
God loves all those bounteously eclectic fingers; which teach countless other cold-bloodedly butchering fingers; to patriotically parade as an unassailable fireball of compassionate united strength,
God loves all those enchantingly enthralling shadows; which teach countless other murderously ambiguous shadows; to eternally waft the fabric of celestially blessing contentment,
God loves all those selflessly sacrificing bones; which teach countless other cursedly rotting bones; to inexhaustibly march forward with untamed fervor for their brutally estranged motherland,
God loves all those spell bindingly evolving brains; which teach countless other deliriously frozen brains; to culminate into unsurpassable whirlpools of blissful
fantasy and insatiable ingenuity,
God loves all those simplistically endowing feet; which teach countless other squalidly pulverizing feet; to holistically blend and walk with the winds of
insuperably glorious righteousness; till the very end of their lives,
God loves all those magnanimously mitigating shoulders; which teach countless other turgidly blasting shoulders; to indefatigably uplift every fraternity of pessimistically decimated and helplessly maimed living kind,
God loves all those innocuously fluttering ears; which teach countless other devilishly hearing ears; to drift solely towards the tunes of triumphantly emollient goodness,
God loves all those resplendently sensitive skins; which teach countless other parasitically blood-coated skins; to be insuperably tantalized by the unbelievably panoramic treasures of infinite mother nature,
God loves all those Omnipotently preaching tongues; which teach countless other ignominiously slandering tongues; to sing the hymns of perennially everlasting equality and ubiquitous brotherhood,
God loves all those harmoniously contented stomachs; which teach countless other rapaciously macabre stomachs; to incredulously relish the fruits of divinely nature without uncouthly spilling blood; in every leaf and house,
God loves all those mischievously frolicking chins; which teach countless other despondently beleaguered chins; to timelessly cavort in the aisles of inimitably glorious innocence and with the full fervor of mystical life,
God loves all those benevolently ebullient silhouettes; which teach countless other treacherously murdering silhouettes; to irrefutably follow the principles of pricelessly perpetual humanity,
God loves all those vividly burgeoning eyelashes; which teach countless other amorphously morbid eyelashes; to iridescently twinkle into the unparalleled effulgence of uninhibitedly liberated existence,
God loves all those eternally fructifying nostrils; which teach countless other ferociously cannibalistic of nostrils; the quintessentially sacrosanct mantra of
live and let live,
And God loves all those passionately thundering hearts; which teach countless other fretfully extinguishing hearts; to immortally bond in the fragrance of unflinching friendship; to immortally love; love and only love.
A mountain of ideas always proliferating; picking up swashbuckling currents of speed as the minutes unveil,
A blanket of mesmerizing beauty laden voluptuously on earth; on which slept the most beautiful fairies of the sky,
A playground of innocent children; shouting and dancing gleefully in the aisles of rustic childhood,
A garland of poignant emotions; arrows of volatile passion stinging
thunderously through the atmosphere,
A nest of daunting courage; the fortitude to stand tall and withstand the mightiest of disaster,
A cloud of unrelenting fantasy; the incredulously exotic essence of imagination taking complete control,
A river of empathy with perennial flow; gently caressing every fraternity of the varied society with astronomical compassion and care,
A beam of Sunlight which brilliantly filtered through morbid space; profoundly illuminated every unveiling dawn,
A garden of incomprehensibly fragrant lotus; the enchanting odor which pierced through each pore of the skin,
A jungle inundated with delectably fresh fruits; from which oozed infinite juices and salubrious nutrition of Mother Nature,
A vivacious rainbow of optimistic hope; which thoroughly overwhelmed all despair and helplessness in monotonous life,
A shadow of enigmatic mysticism; which left the soul inevitably searching for the real meaning of tangible existence,
A minuscule footprint drawn incoherently in the sands; making nostalgic remembrances of the past deluge like a whirlpool in the mind,
A tornado of relentless vacillations; which kept creeping at every cranny to add to the spice and handsome ardor of breath,
A valley reverberating with fabulously melodious sounds; the unsurpassable charisma of past life candidly reflected,
A gateway of invincible triumph; valiantly conquered victory in each path that inexplicably unfurled before clear sight,
A beehive of incessant turmoil; exploring and discovering the most alluring things strewn across the trajectory of this boundless planet,
A bridge of immortal love; divinely bonding the mind; body and soul with the threads of insatiable longing,
A soil to indefatigably struggle for existence; survive amongst a pack of savage wolves hovering around with fire in their eyes,
Is how I have always desired my life to be O! Almighty Lord; and I thank you from the inner most recesses of my heart; for blessing this molecule of yours; with one countless times better than thee.
I didn’t want to overrule anybody; make philanthropically blissful entities my slaves,
I didn’t want to supercede anybody; make my wishes come true at the cost of peoples happiness,
I didn’t want to overshadow anybody; make only presence felt all throughout the globe; when my fellow counterparts were crippled and needed all the support,
I didn’t want to dominate anybody; ask individuals to emancipate; just to satisfy my insatiably gargantuan desire to become the king,
I didn’t want to petrify anybody; display to the world the worthless power of my pompously inflated muscles,
I didn’t want to slap anybody; in order to save my cheeks the tiniest of tyranny that could occur because of the wind,
I didn’t want to snatch food from anybody; only to appease the sanctimonious buds of taste that lingered every minute on my preposterously fat tongue,
I didn’t want to wake up anybody; just because I wanted to snore thunderously even well past after brilliant sunlight,
I didn’t want to abuse anybody; meting my personal frustrations on innocuous souls who hadn't committed the remotest of crime,
I didn’t want to rob anybody; simply to placate my unrelenting ardor of becoming overnight rich; inundating my hollow treasury with biscuits of diamond and glittering gold,
I didn’t want to pinch anybody; just to pacify the pertinently peevish tendencies lurking irately in my mind,
I didn’t want to scold anybody; blurt out murderously stringent tunes; simply to quench my perennial longing to shout,
I didn’t want to force anybody; profusely exercise my chauvinist characteristics; in order to prove that I perpetually reigned supreme,
I didn’t want to blind anybody; just to get back the pathetically diminishing vision of both my rotund eyes,
I didn’t want to laugh at anybody; jeer a person to unprecedentedly embarrassing heights; just to supremely satisfy my swollen ego,
I didn’t want to intimidate anybody; speak in ostentatious slang; simply because I knew that the person beside me was entirely oblivious even to his own name,
I didn’t want to drown anybody; just because I wanted to remain floating; inhale in infinite mouthfuls of celestially fresh air,
I didn’t want to bite anybody; just because I wanted to smother the niggling sensation in my conglomerate of decayed teeth,
I didn’t want to kill anybody; just because I felt that I was veritably dying; had an immortal wish to be always breathing and full of vibrant life,
All I wanted is O! Omnipotent Lord; was to live life higher than the clouds; and offer the same with irrefutable equality to all my blessed fellow beings.
Love is a cloudburst of emotions; a torrential downpour of feelings from the inner most core of the heart,
Love is a rainbow of mesmerizing colors; effusively portraying the insatiably volatile urges of existence,
Love is a fathomless art; encompassing the most exotic elements of bountiful creation,
Love is an immortal seed; which blossoms into a festoon of blissfully invincible relationships,
Love is an ocean of benevolence; which propagates its ubiquitous essence all across the territories of this colossal Universe,
Love is a tantalizing fountain; which showers its droplets of philanthropic gratitude; uninhibitedly on all who happen to trespass its sacred grace,
Love is infinite beams of the profusely ecstatic Sun; shimmering a path of optimistic hope in the lives of those deluged with inexplicable despair,
Love is a melodious song; which enthralls and profoundly captivates even the most remotely alien; in the swirl of its enchanting cadence,
Love is an overwhelmingly turbulent storm; which thoroughly incarcerates even the most prejudiced of individuals in the aura of its poignant form,
Love is an impregnable bridge; getting more and more fortified; with the thunderously throbbing intensity of fervent breath,
Love is a stupendously fragrant flower; dissipating its unbiased scent in every disastrously impoverished soul,
Love is a harbinger of peace; a bird which unrelentingly soars high in the clouds of supremely incredulous freedom,
Love is an ingratiating fantasy; which never ends; culminating into a celestial paradise of insurmountable harmony,
Love is a magical wand; which heals the most ghastliest of wounds; with the divinely ointment of its Omniscient caress,
Love is a perennially sparkling waterfall; which cascades down into a pool of blissfully everlasting contentment,
Love is an overwhelmingly precious jewel; which keeps on indefatigably scintillating; even after the most inconspicuous trace of light; fades gruesomely forever,
Love is an arrow of unsurpassable victory; possessing the tenacity to permeate through the hearts of even the most diabolical of monsters,
Love is a candle; which inexorably burns; illuminating the most morbidly gloomy ambience; with the formidable glow of compassionate mankind,
Love is a Mother; who induces her intimately caring virtue in each child of the Almighty Creator,
Love is an idol of heavenly prosperity; proliferating at astounding speeds; once introduced in the most rawest of its forms,
Love is an irrefutably sacred phrase; worshipped by people from all fraternities; since centuries immemorial,
Love is a resplendently alluring star; which radiates marvelous glory of truly benign existence,
Love is an island of pure honey; wholeheartedly embracing those shivering in tyrannical agony; within the corridors of its rejuvenating warmth,
Love is a priceless gift; which even all the assimilated power and wealth on this planet; miserably failed to purchase,
Love is an relentless epic; encapsulating the most fabulously exotic rhyme on the trajectory of this earth,
Love is the most sacred form of God; instilling Omnipotent beams of unshakable unity in every organism; inhaling air under blue sky,
Over and above all; Love is the sole reason why every single entity on this earth exists; infact the very beginning of passionately palpitating signs of vital life.
Even before I could open my lips; he had already decided what was I going to speak; the synchronized order in which I would utter each word,
Even before I could hoist my foot; he had already decided which portions of earth I would tread on; the intricate path I would weave towards victory,
Even before I could open my wardrobe; he had already decided the garments I would adorn; the most minuscule of attire I would use to engulf myself lavishly from head to toe,
Even before I could let my mind loose; he had already decided my dream; the exotic fairies that I would perceive floating delectably in the colossal Universe,
Even before I could manipulate my fingers; he had already decided what I was going to write; inundate countless sheets of blank paper with incomprehensible verses of pure literature,
Even before I could open my eyes; he had already decided what I would sight; profoundly admire all the enchanting things that he had evolved in this world,
Even before I could turn the pages of the textbook; he had already decided the route of my career; the ensemble of degrees and accolades which I would be bestowed upon in this lifetime of mine,
Even before I could feel hungry; he had already decided the food I would consume; the morsels of sumptuous fruit I would masticate in relish in order to appease my gluttony,
Even before I could contemplate time; he had already decided the hour which I would blissfully sleep; the hour which I would be as awake as the vivaciously
chirping bird,
Even before I could lift color; he had already decided the exquisite shapes I would embody on the canvas; capturing the spell binding beauty of the gargantuan gorge with the rustic strokes of my bushy paint brush,
Even before I could raise my hands to fight; he had already decided the unsurpassable territories that I would conquer; the number of diabolical demons which I would trample with the Herculean strength circulating in my arms,
Even before I could strain my ears; he had already decided the sounds I would hear; the infinitesimal voices of tinkling feet that would flood my soul with unprecedented happiness,
Even before I could love; he had already decided the girl whom I was going to marry; the woman who would make my life; in all respects solid and blissfully complete,
Even before I could pray; he had already decided the wishes I would ask for; the things I desired to fervently posses by my bedside,
Even before I could start to work; he had already decided the color of my sweat; the amount of effort I would have to put in; in order to metamorphose all my
dreams into veritable reality,
Even before I commenced from my dwelling; he had already decided the places I would frequent; the roads I would transgress in the course of my adventurous expedition,
Even before I could admire my reflection; he had already decided the supremely dainty contours of my face; the perfect physiognomy that a human could ever
have been endowed with,
Even before I could take my last breath; he had already decided the space in heaven which I would occupy; the balance and equilibrium of all the good and bad that I had committed on this earth,
And even before I could take birth; he had already decided the number of breaths I would take in this life; the actual and exact path it would take; the real route of my destiny.
If you were the redolent rose; shooting delectably from ravishing crusts of brown soil,
Then please bestow upon me your scent; flooding the most intricate of my senses with your stupendous fragrance.
If you were the colossal sky; profusely embedded with a cocoon of magnificently silken clouds,
Then please shower upon me droplets of enchanting rain; drenching my persona wholesomely with tantalizing globules of fresh water.
If you were the gigantic tree; prolifically impregnated with succulently delicious cherries and a cluster of salubrious fruit,
Then please drop a berry or two in my lap; making me relish the unsurpassably mesmerizing taste of mother nature.
If you were the mountain; completely engulfed by a blanket of incredulously white and crystalline snow,
Then please melt upon me your stream of sparkling liquid; profoundly titillating every pore of my frigid and lackluster skin.
If you were the celestial body of flaming Sun; blazing in flamboyant fervor all throughout the blistering day,
Then please besiege me with your festoon of fiery rays; generating waves of euphoric passion in my dreary demeanor.
If you were the resplendent battalion of marvelously shimmering stars; scattered in immortal harmony on the map of the boundless cosmos,
Then please allure me in the beam of your unending charm; the inscrutable enigma in your poignant shine.
If you were a mammoth elephant; having invincible fortitude embodied in your tusks and legs,
Then please impart me with a little skill to defend myself; sharing just few secrets of your mind boggling strength.
If you were the sacrosanct cow; being worshipped ubiquitously for your incomprehensible prowess to bless mankind,
Then please give me a few droplets of your holy milk; supremely rejuvenate my every morning with the adorable river of your pious energy.
If you were an astute Businessman; cunningly manipulating every move in the industry; stashing your warehouses with exorbitant wealth and unparalleled affluence,
Then please elucidate me with some tricks of your trade; giving me a chance to fight for my survival in this ruthlessly selfish world.
If you were the sweltering sands of golden desert; harboring billions of tons of
sand and vivacious cactus,
Then please impart me with minuscule fractions of your tumultuously compassionate heat; to illuminate and enlighten my gruesomely frozen night.
If you were the royally oligarchic castle; harboring infinite numbers of supremely majestic rooms,
Then please give me some space to live however minuscule; to sequester my head from the tyranny of the satanic devil; the bitterness of the gorgeously voluptuous night.
If you were the frozen slab of benevolent ice; dribbling painstakingly as the afternoon augmented its pace,
Then please tell a chunk of yours to be my pillow; when I was struck disastrously by the brunt of disastrous drought.
If you were the melodious nightingale perched blissfully on the hills; captivating the hearts of all ages with your seductive voice,
Then please recite to me just one of your tunes; flooding my life and soul with unprecedented happiness.
If you were the ocean with vivaciously swirling waves; rising and falling incessantly before clashing against the rugged chain of cold rocks,
Then please splash a trifle on my obscurely tiny window; evoking fathomless tremors of sheer exultation to creep up poignantly down my spine.
If you were a girl with hazel shades of eye; an unprejudiced heart throbbing violently in your impeccable chest; a desire to audaciously fight against whatever odds that confronted you in your path,
Then please spare a moment of yours in my life; making me feel that I had good friend to lean upon.
If you were a mother who loved her child immensely; unrelentingly devoting every unfurling minute of yours in harnessing his innocuous blood and flesh,
Then please take me in your lap just once; teach me how to discerningly discriminate between all the good and ominously bad.
And if you were Almighty God; diffusing your omnipotent aura in every little cranny of this Universe; holding it upright on the nail tip of your tiny finger,
Then please make me one of your disciple out of the countless already existing; give me the power to fight every hurdle; embody in me the tenacity to lead life; and over and above all bestow upon me the philanthropic ability to serve all mankind.
When I shook hands with your Omnipotent grace; I felt as if I had shaken hands with the entire world,
When I ran with you on the shimmering sea shores; I felt as if I had run in harmony with the entire world,
When I conversed with you sitting on the opalescent cushion of velvety stars; I felt as if I had conversed with the entire world,
When I played hide and seek with you amidst the pugnacious body of fulminating Sun and black clouds; I felt as if I had played with the entire world,
When I ate food with you perched delectably on the sprawling tree leaf; I felt as if I had eaten food with the entire world,
When I wrote a letter to you profoundly lost in an ocean of surreal fantasy; I felt as if written letters to the entire world,
When I eloped with you after midnight to admire flamboyant fish swimming in the resplendent stream; I felt as if I had eloped with the entire world,
When I gallivanted on the horse with you at enchanting dawn; I felt as if I had gallivanted freely with the entire world,
When I whispered mysteriously in your omniscient ears; I felt as if I had whispered in the ears of the entire world,
When I smiled at your supremely sacrosanct visage; I felt as if I had smiled at the entire world,
When I admired your magnificently royal demeanor; I felt as if had admired the demeanor of the entire world,
When I sketched your unfathomably fabulous aura; I felt as if I had sketched the entire world,
When I relished your immortal caress over my serenely closed eyelids; I felt as if had relished the caress of the entire world,
When I stared unrelentingly at your spell binding countenance; I felt as if I had stared at the entire world,
When I inundated your towering body with festoons of roses and reinvigorating scent; I felt as if I had inundated the entire world,
When I sat for indefatigable number of hours in the presence of your revered company; I felt as if I had sat placidly with the entire world,
When I slept in the entrenchment of your stupendously alluring and sacred shadow; I felt as if I had slept in blissful synchrony with the entire world,
When I stood like an invincible fortress by your divinely form; audaciously prepared to take away any evil upon my miniscule stature before it tried to creep towards your Godly form; I felt as if I had stood ground for the entire world,
When I perceived your ingratiatingly boundless form incessantly in the top most compartments of my mind; I felt as if I had conceived each and every entity
existing in the entire world,
When I cried uncontrollably as you abruptly disappeared without the slightest of intimation; I felt as if I had cried for the entire world,
When I left my destiny wholesomely in your palms; I felt as if I had left the destiny of the entire world,
And when I touched your omnipresent feet; kissing your divine toes for being blessed upon with the unflinching prowess to fight life; I felt as if I had touched the feet of the entire world; the entire and colossal Universe.
Even if I had to cry tears of savage blood; with hysterical agony pouring turbulently from my cheeks,
Even if I had to chew biscuits of obdurate steel; ripping my teeth apart into infinite pieces,
Even if I had to trespass on a blanket of acrimonious thorns; with the uncouth needles piercing brutally through my supple feet,
Even if I had to speak indefatigably without the slightest of rest; harbor an armory of satanic blisters on my rubicund tongue,
Even if I had to hear the most abashing of abuse; had to tolerate the most tumultuously screeching sound,
Even if I had to perceive the most horrendously ghastliest of dreams; wail inexorably all throughout the night in the agony of my ghoulish conceptions,
Even if I had to pound my fists against the Herculean mountain; disintegrating my tender bones into fathomless small bits,
Even if I had to count all the stars in the cosmos every night; with the slightest error of mine leading to ruthless crucification of my blissful entity,
Even if I had to run for millions of kilometers on the trot; with the pugnacious rays of Sun and the frigidness in my bones stopping me relentlessly at every step,
Even if I had to remain starved for decades unprecedented; with the pangs of insatiable hunger in my stomach augmenting like a volcano every unleashing
Even if I had to sleep every night in the Lion's den; with a pack of hostile wolves encircling me the instant I closed my eyes,
Even if I had to clamber up the snow clad cliffs barefoot; with the last bone in my body rattling uncontrollably towards certain death,
Even if I had to write till unsurpassable eternity; with the last ounce of enthusiasm and tenacity wholesomely evacuating from my bones,
Even if I had to stare inexorably in flaming wisps of inclement fire; with the moisture in my intricate eye disastrously evaporating into remote oblivion,
Even if I had to be whipped tirelessly by swords coated with lethal scorpion; with each pore of my skin whimpering in meek submission,
Even if I had to drink snake venom every dawn instead of impeccable milk; diabolically torture the mass of delicate intestines and food trapped in my stomach,
Even if I had to traverse naked on the boisterous streets; becoming the object of unimaginable ridicule in every section of the pretentious society,
And even if I had to die a gory death every moment; and still lead life in accordance with the laws of existence,
I wouldn’t mind it all O! Lord; as long as I achieved the goal I was striving for; and my insurmountable urge to become the invincible King of poetry; was wholesomely satisfied.
How could you ever call a miserly auto rickshaw an aircraft; just because it increased its speed to a threadbare maximum; every once in a while?
How could you ever call a diminutive stone as a colossal mountain; just because it punctured a hole through the transparent shard of window glass when hurled forcefully?
How could you ever call an inconspicuous mosquito a diabolical demon; just because it stung you acrimoniously; greedily sucked only a few drops of scarlet blood?
How could you ever call an amalgamation of several colors a rainbow in the sky; just because they faintly resembled the vivaciously striped festoon which appeared when it rained in sunlight?
How could you ever call an infinitesimal candle flame as the flaming body of Sun; just because it imparted tiny bits of brightness to stingily illuminate the morbid night?
How could you ever call a small house lizard as a dangerously venomous reptile; just because it swished its tongue a little; slithered nimbly before leaping on its insect prey?
How could you ever call a minuscule bud of sordid cotton an immaculately long shirt embedded with golden beads; just because it gave a timid effect of soft cloth?
How could you ever call a single alphabet as the gargantuan compendium of the priceless dictionary; just because it was used to commence many words of the
oligarchic English language?
How could you ever call a hut as the grandiloquently adorned castle; just because it had a door to enter and leave as the palace did?
How could you ever call an innocuously rotund turtle a hostile crocodile; just because it had a serrated green shell engulfing its portly body?
How could you ever call a frugally single day as an entire decade; just because it had impregnated in it the cardinal constituents of time?
How could you ever call a miserly chunk of robust meat as the entire body; just because it oozed scarlet blood; had some lifeless hair extruding from its ghastly surface?
How could you ever call a tiny feather as the ominously hovering and big beaked vulture; just because it produced an unnoticeable draught of wind when forcefully flapped in plain air?
How could you ever call an obscurely shining pearl as the resplendently tenacious Moon in the sky; just because it glimmered a trifle of white rays; sporadically enlightened the atmosphere every now and again?
How could you ever call a broken piece of oar as the boundlessly fathomless ship; just because it produced ripples in the water when gently struck?
How could you ever call a dingy bottle of red ink as the crimson blood circulating in the veins; just because it was scarlet in color; flowed smoothly on any surface when kept?
How could you ever call a shattered and a disdainfully battered strand of glass as the entire eye incarcerated behind the fluttering lids; just because it portrayed a profusely hazy reflection of the person trying to peer into it?
How could you ever call the spuriously crying film actress as the sacrosanct mother who nurtured her child with her own milk; just because she evoked sanctimonious sympathy behind the silver screen?
And how could you ever call Man as the Omnipotent Creator; just because he had millions imprisoned in his wholesomely corrupt treasury; had countless people
running around him at the slightest of his command not because of any respect; but to grab his biscuits of silver; to grab his sinfully earned money?
In order to augment the glory of the crystalline sky; God inundated it with a festoon of enchantingly misty clouds,
In order to augment the glory of the lanky tree; God flooded its barren surface with a blanket of fresh green leaves,
In order to augment the glory of the fleshy palm; God embellished its surface with a myriad of fascinating lines bifurcated into islands and forks,
In order to augment the glory of the plain atmosphere; God deluged its gloomy ambience with sizzling rays of brilliant sunlight,
In order to augment the glory of the colossal ocean; God imparted its boundless surface with a cavalcade of ravishingly frosty waves,
In order to augment the glory of fecund territories of brown soil; God embodied its surface with a wide fraternity of salubrious crop,
In order to augment the glory of the voluptuously fathomless jungles; God placed a battalion of majestic lions on its rustled paths,
In order to augment the glory of the towering mountains; God embedded their treacherous slopes with compassionate balls of white snow,
In order to augment the glory of the redolently scarlet rose; God granted its demeanor with a seductively exotic scent,
In order to augment the glory of the delectably hidden nest; God filled its empty persona with a cluster of stupendously charming and innocuous eggs,
In order to augment the glory of the placid night; God blessed its shivering persona with amicably twinkling stars,
In order to augment the glory of the gorgeously unsurpassable valley; God lit up its dolorous space with a boisterously pepped up and a stringent echo,
In order to augment the glory of the innocuously wandering cow; God imparted it with the prowess of oozing life yielding and sacrosanct milk,
In order to augment the glory of cascading rain; God impregnated the cosmos with a spell binding and vivacious rainbow,
In order to augment the glory of mammoth stacks of diamonds and gold; God triggered their periphery with a mesmerizing and perennial shine,
In order to augment the glory of the blind bat; God granted it with the astounding ability to stick wherever it wanted; to sleep upside down,
In order to augment the glory of the blossoming shoots of bountiful grass; God overwhelmed its tips with tantalizingly alluring dewdrops,
In order to augment the glory of true love; God gave it the highest priority on his agendas of this unfathomable Universe; granted it the virtue of being supremely immortal,
And in order to augment the glory of every human; God swamped his dead body with an armory of passionate heart beats; flooded his dormant lungs with gargantuan
bellows of fresh breath; bestowed upon him the most wonderful gift existing on this planet; a gift that we all know today as life.
Even before you could drag her hands towards the acerbically gleaming knife; slice my fingers into infinite pieces,
Even before you could drop a stone on her dainty head; smash my skull into a million fragments,
Even before you could deprive her of inevitable glasses of water; gruesomely extricate my throat of its last bit of poignant saliva,
Even before you could maneuver the pin surreptitiously towards her spell binding eyes; blind me for countless births of mine to yet unveil,
Even before you could make her trip inadvertently over the cold floor; hurl me uncouthly from the summit of the colossal mountain like a chunk of lifeless
Even before you could make her forget a single anecdote of her overwhelmingly precious life; make me wander like an insane lunatic; oblivious to all mankind,
Even before you could make her grapple a trifle in the placid swimming pool; drown me ruthlessly to the rock bottom of the fathomless ocean,
Even before you could make the tiniest of tear drop ooze from her mesmerizing eyes; flood my entire destiny with unfathomable sorrow and treacherous malice,
Even before you could make her falter in her stupendously emphatic speech; convert me into pathetically dumb; barbarically chopping my tongue into incomprehensible number of minuscule bits,
Even before you could furtively capsize her transiently tinkling laughter; sew my lips satanically with the threads of irrevocable terror,
Even before you could rob a single hair from her alluring scalp; make me completely bald; with my head sparkling a ghastly white under dim beams of moonlight,
Even before you could deprive her of even a diminutive fraction of celestial sleep; savagely rip away all the bliss engulfing my persona; thrusting me into an ocean of unsurpassable complications,
Even before you could keep her hungry for more than a single minute; starve me miserably for unimaginable number of decades,
Even before you could think of destroying her divinely dwelling; mercilessly pulverize each of my bones to more than a billion pulp,
Even before you could snap an inconspicuous strand of hair from her voluptuous eyelash; assassinate both my supple lids from deep within their very fragile roots,
Even before you could tamper the slightest with her ability to seductively sing; transform my voice into one more hoarser than the obnoxiously black crow,
Even before you could trespass the most infinitesimal with her tumultuous exuberance; exhaust all the energy and blood from my vast conglomerate of veins,
Even before you could cause the faintest of panic in her heart; make my beats race faster than the volcano erupting and profusely blazing through the atmosphere,
And even before you could evolve the wildest perception of taking her breath away O! Almighty Lord; bury me alive a thousand feet beneath my corpse; till the time you wanted this planet to continue.
Show me clusters of obnoxious cockroaches; crawling miserably towards the dingy and thoroughly fetid bathroom seat,
Show me an ocean of vicious scorpions; ready to pounce upon and pugnaciously strangulate their prey,
Show me a mountain of garbage emanating a stupendously ghastly odor; repugnantly wading off the tiniest of soul trying to trespass its stinking persona,
Show me a gruesomely deadly spider; oozing overwhelming amounts of poison from its morbidly corrugated tentacles,
Show me a garden of rebellious thorns; fervently awaiting to rip apart the last ounce of breath from my daintily tender body,
Show me an insurmountably distorted mask; with its ghoulish skull like demeanor driving away all zeal and enthusiasm from the conglomerate of my veins,
Show me an open mouthed fleet of hostile sharks; probing menacingly forward with their knife like jaws ready to pulverize the most strongest of entity into diminutive mincemeat,
Show me a pool of satanic blood; acrid strands of glass extruding from innocuous sheets of flawless skin,
Show me a well inundated with diabolical toothed rats; wild chimpanzees snaring their teeth to snap apart blissful traces of life,
Show me the dilapidated box of empty coffin; waiting ardently for a dead body to occupy its solitarily obsolete space,
Show me the wretched visage of the completely squelched building; with plush chunks of colored glass and silken upholstery poking out like pathetically small worms,
Show me a badly injured person; oozing blood from his body like an uncontrollably rampant fountain,
Show me a wholesomely blind man; staggering and floundering abominably on every step that he took on brilliantly illuminated ground,
Show me a wounded battalion of tigers; snarling perilously through the foliated outgrowths of the unimaginably treacherous jungle,
Show me a sac replete with colorless stones; clanging deafeningly against each other with tumultuous ill will and ominous hatred,
Show me an orphaned infant shivering hysterically in the freezing winds; with the crimson blood in his veins virtually frozen to small cubicles of white ice,
Show me fathomless sheets of torn fabric; with infinite dots of blood and sordid mucus adhering to it vehemently from all sides,
Show me the unprecedentedly gory scene of the vivacious battlefield; deluged from all sides with hoarsely crying warriors; ruthlessly cut hands and feet loitering dismally in a stream of thick blood,
Show me terribly crumpled bits of incoherent paper; flooded with script that was incomprehensibly abusive,
Show me a woman weeping sadly; as she passionately missed her husband while he was away for just a brief interval of time,
Show me a castle profusely occupied by brutal demon horns; wickedly vicious snake skins suspended listlessly from the hollow ceiling,
Show me a deplorably broken mirror; reflecting a flurry of lifeless images; further exacerbating the condition of the already dull atmosphere,
Show me an insane lunatic; crazily thrashing his head countless number of times against the obdurate wall; trying to crunch every bone of his body with every
bang to the brick,
Show me an ambience entrenched with deathly blackness; permeating my impeccable countenance like infinite arrows coated with malice,
Show me the devil; towering tall and colossal towards the sky; ready to assassinate my scalp into unsurpassable no of tiny bits; at the slightest provocation he received,
And O! Lord please show me anything which might be horrendously obnoxious; anything which might be most despondently displeasing to the eye; anything which
might be horrifically corrupt and detrimental to celestial society; but please don’t show me death; don’t show me perpetual demise.
I wanted one foot on the summit of freezing Everest; and the other foot on rock hard slabs of civilized ground,
I wanted one foot in insurmountably blazing infernos of forest fire; and the other foot on an pristine island of divinely white ice,
I wanted one foot on a mesmerizing blanket of verdant grass; and the other foot on a savage battlefield of belligerently acrid thorns,
I wanted one foot on a paradise of bountifully rhapsodic joy; and the other foot on anecdotes of placidly solitary gloom,
I wanted one foot on a stupendously boisterous hive of poignantly swarming bees; and the other foot on the graveyard which harbored nothing but clouds of celestial peace,
I wanted one foot on a Godly festoon of salubriously rubicund fruits; and the other foot on miniscule pints of inexplicable illness,
I wanted one foot on a supremely benevolent platform of uninhibited humanity; and the other foot on remotely rare spurts of flirtatious mischief,
I wanted one foot on an irrefutable idol of sacred truth; and the other foot on a shallow ocean of blatantly glaring lies,
I wanted one foot on a profusely redolent carpet of voluptuous rose; and the other foot on the flimsily open lid of the fetid dustbin,
I wanted one foot on a boundless township of immortal romance; and the other foot on the wildly philandering horse which traversed past the neighboring girl's doorstep,
I wanted one foot on a field of opulently glistening fabric; and the other foot on diminutive rags of tottered jute,
I wanted one foot on lanes inundated with melodiously sweet sugarcane; and the other foot on a pinch of piquantly passionate ocean salt,
I wanted one foot on an electric paced galloping air-plane; and the other foot on the potbellied tortoise which thought infinite times before taking even a single step,
I wanted one foot on a tantalizingly relentless chain of seductive fantasy; and the other foot on profoundly pragmatic thought which brought me back into the
mainstream of day-to-day life,
I wanted one foot on the mystical valley reverberating thunderously with heavenly sound; and the other foot on the unimaginative road strewn with bits of
paper and regular traffic,
I wanted one foot on the unsurpassably towering giant's scalp; and the other foot on the mousetrap delectably sandwiched in the cloistered interiors of the dilapidated household,
I wanted one foot on the pungently sharp scintillating sword; and the other foot on the tremendously blunt coconut which kept sinking deeper as I tossed it about,
I wanted one foot on a majestic desert basking in the glory of princely sunlight; and the other foot on evanescent shades of the diabolically treacherous night,
I have wished a life like this O! Almighty lord; right since the time I emitted my first cry; and would feel the most privileged if you bestowed a life such as this; to perhaps if not me; then atleast one of my fellow kind.
When I met the gardener; all I ended up talking with him was; a battalion of wild shrubs and creepers dangling in tandem from the century old dilapidated wall,
When I met the businessman; all I ended up talking with him was; a myriad of astutely commercial plans; a stupendously manipulative analysis of the present day stock market,
When I met the tennis champion; all I ended up talking with him was; the handsome strokes he executed in the marathon game; the astounding dexterity with which he maneuvered the ball all round the court of voluptuous grass,
When I met the clouds; all I ended up talking with them was; the incredulously exotic showers of turbulent rain which caressed earth full throttle; the heavenly reprieve they gave our soil from the tyranny of scorching summer,
When I met the pig; all I ended up talking with him was; the daily heaps of gruesomely stinking garbage; the insatiable gluttony he felt every single unleashing minute of the day,
When I met the convict; all I ended up talking with him was; the murky side of life; the uncouthly satanic ocean of blood in which he found himself inevitably
drowning in as time unveiled,
When I met the priest; all I ended up talking with him was; the sacrosanct repertoire of scriptures embossed in the Bible; the mystical balance between good and the repulsively bad in daily life,
When I met the politician; all I ended up talking with him was; the nonchalant list of boring policies he planned to evolve over a period of time; the relentless list of portfolio's which he had ushered to his ministers; putting me to sleep right before his bulging eyes,
When I met the soldier; all I ended up talking with him was; an unending tale of daunting war; the insurmountable tenacity he had displayed while indefatigably fighting for his home soil,
When I met the dancer; all I ended up talking with him was; the latest trends in contemporary disco; the seductively tantalizing styles which he implemented to keep his audience fully boisterous; even after wee hours of yawning midnight,
When I met the avalanche of augmenting snow; all I ended up talking with him was; the bizarre cold experienced perennially at all times; the overwhelming agony of being mutilated by austerely cold winds from left; right and center,
When I met the eunuch; all I ended up talking with it was; the unsurpassable sorrow with which it was bestowed upon this life; the perpetual longing in its heart to take birth in infinite lives; again as man,
When I met the doctor; all I ended up talking with him was; the stringently obnoxious odor of potent medication; the ingeniously life yielding drugs which
had just arrived in the conventional market,
When I met the housewife next door; all I ended up talking with her was; the boundless chores of duty to be fulfilled each day; the irascible humming of her
children which kept her wide awake all night,
When I met the author; all I ended up talking with him was; his countless ocean of innovative ideas; the names of his publishers and the names of his cherished books,
When I met the robust complexioned grandfather; all I ended up talking with him was; the fathomless string of his life time experiences; the nostalgic reminisces of his innocuous youth; which fomented a passionate flurry of silver tears to well up his eyes,
When I met the bald man; all I ended up talking with him was; the inexplicable tyranny that had confronted him when he was young; the step by step account of how he had lost his precious shock of scintillating black hair,
When I met the girl of my dreams; all I ended talking with her was; a mind-boggling chain of fantasies rampantly circulating in my mind; a paradise on which I inherently wanted both of us to exist for centuries unprecedented,
When I met the mother who had born me; all I ended talking with her was; the days when I was a mischievous child; the colossal tunnel of fairy tales I used to intriguingly listen sandwiched invincibly secure; within deep recesses of her belly,
While it was only when I met the Creator; that I talked without the slightest of restraint and inhibition; talked for times unending about what I felt was my perception of life; talked virtually about anything I felt like discussing on this majestically boundless planet; and it was here that for the first time; MY TALK WAS INFINITE, MY TALK HAD NO END.
Hands sandwiched well beneath slabs of freezing ice; exploring the fabulous chill to the most unprecedented limits,
Feet transgressing through meadows of voluptuous green grass; stupendously relishing the glistening dew drops protruding enchantingly from the stalks,
Tongue seductively slurping tantalizing mountains of ice-cream; placidly resting in astronomical pleasure soon thereafter,
Eyes glimpsing the majestically alluring waves of the ocean; sweeping like an exotic whirlpool through a myriad of mesmerizing sights in this gigantic Universe,
Neck dancing rampantly under milky beams of moonlight; gyrating delectably with drifting draughts of exuberant breeze,
Hair trembling in tumultuous euphoria on scalp; as more than a billion droplets of water tumbled in vivacious frenzy from the sky,
Ears profoundly listening to the astoundingly melodious sound of the nightingale; entirely oblivious to the disdainful cacophony of the outside world,
Nails weaving mystical paths through a planet deluged with silk; absorbing the tingling softness in its most overwhelming state of compassion,
Nose profusely inhaling the scent of scarlet rose; wholesomely engulfed by an island of sedative flower and scent,
Teeth compassionately suckling on cubes of blissful sugarcane; inundating the barren palette of mouth with rejuvenating showers of untamed ecstasy,
Eyelids nictitating flirtatiously in the aisles of incomprehensible desire; mischievously reminiscing nostalgic sequences of innocuous childhood,
Throat humming indefatigably about a conviction to fight life; emanating boisterous tunes as the persona arose from the ashes,
Belly coated with toppings of appetizing cheese; impregnating a sensation more titillating than misty cocoons of smoke grey clouds,
Shadow fluttering tranquilly on obscure ground; enticing an ocean of dreams as it daintily maneuvered,
Sweat that has an oligarchic golden color; dribbling thunderously down my arms in anxious anticipation,
Toes on reinvigorating embers of sizzling fire; flooding my impoverished demeanor with loads of indomitable resilience and relaxing warmth,
Bones embodied with spurts of robust energy; imparting a resurgent tenacity to ebulliently bounce forward in true life,
Soul that leaves its impression even centuries after its disappearance; ubiquitously propagating the essence of philanthropic benevolence in the life of every human being,
And a heart that palpitates only for love till the time it lives; and even decades thereafter; is how I want each part of my body to be O! Lord; to win and emerge unflinchingly unnerved; even as the night falls.
In order to win the clouds; you had to become a fathomless foliage of stupendously enchanting green,
In order to win the mouse; you had to become succulent chunks of tantalizing cheese,
In order to win the deserts; you had to become boundless oceans of fabulously sparkling water,
In order to win the giant; you had to become appetizing morsels of heavenly food; compounded with celestially rejuvenating sleep,
In order to win the dog; you had to become the meaty persona of ravishing bone,
In order to win the soaring bird; you had to become the amicably cozy nest; harboring its festoon of scintillating eggs; as well as providing it a dwelling
to spend the insurmountably hideous night,
In order to win the dreary eye; you had to become an island of mesmerizing beauty; assume the demeanor of all those it wholesomely revered and cherished,
In order to win the sacrosanct hooded serpent; you had to become a bowl of impeccably shimmering milk,
In order to win the tree; you had to become exuberant draughts of profusely reinvigorating breeze,
In order to win the lips; you had to become a poignantly emphatic and tumultuously alluring smile,
In order to win the night; you had to become an enigmatically lingering whisper; which propelled beads of untamed excitement to creep up on the skin,
In order to win the coffin; you had to become a perpetually still dead body, relinquishing even the most minuscule trace of life,
In order to win the spider; you had to become a grandiloquent web; woven with threads of exquisitely voluptuous silk,
In order to win the lotus; you had to become the boisterously buzzing bee; seducing it to the most unprecedented limits; hovering incessantly round its famished grace,
In order to win the devil; you had to become its ingratiatingly immaculate prey,
In order to win the dictator; you had to become his unfathomably obedient and timidly humble slave,
In order to win the mind; you had to become its relentlessly augmenting fantasy; proliferating beyond the boundaries of pragmatic control,
In order to win the lungs; you had to become handsome bucketfuls of exhilarating air; imparting them the irrefutably formidable tenacity to survive,
In order to win the heart; you had to become its beats; passionately palpitating each unfurling minute of divinely bestowed life,
But in order to win the love of your life; you simply didn’t need to do anything at all; for if the Almighty Creator had granted it in your destiny; then it would
incarcerate you in its immortal swirl for times immemorial; even if you miserably failed to hear beyond your own voice; even if you were completely blind in the most Omnipotent of light.
When you wholeheartedly smiled; you resembled the unconquerably Omnipotent rays of Sun; in poignantly fathomless sky,
When you mischievously cavorted; you resembled the enigmatically spell binding rustle of the majestic forests; profusely soaked in resplendently enchanting moonlight,
When you relentlessly fantasized; you resembled shades of compassionate crimson; prolifically abounding the voluptuously rain bearing cloud,
When you uninhibitedly danced; you resembled the waterfalls perennially cascading from the pristine slopes of the Himalayas; miraculously placating every traumatically dreary throat with their untainted exuberance,
When you uncannily slithered; you resembled the mystically sacrosanct serpents; devoutly guarding the timelessly sparkling treasuries; abreast the statue of the Omniscient Lord,
When you flirtatiously philandered; you resembled the ebulliently bubbling bumble bee; gloriously playing hide-n-seek with the marvelously outstretched petals; of the fabulously inebriating lotus,
When you inscrutably hummed; you resembled the bountiful blades of grass ingratiatingly embellished with golden dew; peerlessly gazing under pricelessrays of the beautiful afternoon,
When you royally winked; you resembled the unbelievably impeccable festoon of twinkling stars in the cosmos; profoundly enlightening the trajectory of morbidly monotonous and indiscriminating earth,
When you altruistically embraced; you resembled the infernos of unassailably righteous patriotism; fearlessly blazing their way through a world of acrimoniously vindictive and cold-blooded hostility,
When you ardently yearned; you resembled the absolute epitome of impregnable Everest; uncontrollably trembling all night; to be handsomely kissed by the first beams of tantalizing dawn,
When you celestially snored; you resembled fantastically virgin shores laden with immaculately charismatic pearls; brilliantly shimmering in the unparalleled elixir of life,
When you restlessly discovered; you resembled the amazingly proliferating fields of hazel corn; sprouting into an unprecedented gorge of freshness; every unraveling minute of the blessed day,
When you philanthropically mitigated; you resembled a heavenly flower disseminating its fragrance to one and all; irrespective of caste; creed; tribe; religion; regally and alike,
When you nimbly shied; you resembled the divinely adorned bride; trying to hide her blushing cheeks; deeper and deeper into her innocuously silken veil,
When you inadvertently yawned; you resembled the satiny carpet of languidly ambling autumn wind; symbiotically quenching the disastrously frazzled nerves of the decrepitly staggering traveler,
When you ingeniously proliferated; you resembled the magnetically undulating waves of emerald sea; indefatigably dancing to the tunes of inimitable freshness; till infinite more births yet to unveil,
When you iridescently sang; you resembled the unfathomably seductive cluster of blissful nightingales; mollifying even the most diabolically dreaded of monsters; with the fervently untamed effervescence in their voice,
When you passionately breathed; you resembled the ultimate gifts of vividly exhilarating life; eternally spawning into a civilization of oneness and peace; as every morning wonderfully transcended over sonorous night,
But when you perpetually loved; you resembled the Omnipresent Creator Divine; who knew of no religion other than the religion of oneness; unity and invincible mankind; who knew of no other power greater on this planet of his except love; to love; love and timelessly bless in its indomitable shine.
If you thought that the entire world was your majestic stage; and you could exuberantly dance on its enigmatically marvelous platform; for centuries immemorial,
If you thought that the entire world was your resplendent stage; and you could uninhibitedly frolic on its bountifully fantastic landscape; till even beyond the
aisles of infinite infinity,
If you thought that the entire world was your priceless stage; and you could unrestrictedly sleep in its celestially spell binding cradle; till infinite more births of yours yet to unveil,
If you thought that the entire world was your vivacious stage; and you could indefatigably learn in its philanthropically symbiotic lap; for decades unprecedented,
If you thought that the entire world was your eclectic stage; and you could unrelentingly fantasize in its blessed mists; for a zillion minutes,
If you thought that the entire world was your proliferating stage; and you could unstoppably kiss in its compassionate embrace; till the time mother earth synergistically existed,
If you thought that the entire world was your mesmerizing stage; and you could artistically discover on its incredibly tantalizing trajectory; for an unfathomable gorge of endless hours which none had the power to conceive,
If you thought that the entire world was your royal stage; and you could uncontrollably rejoice in its waterfalls of perennially enchanting love; for as long
as the clock of life inscrutably ticked,
If you thought that the entire world was your patriotic stage; and you could unflinchingly adventure in its ship of intrepidly limitless ecstasy; till tireless fortnights galore,
If you thought that the entire world was your ingratiating stage; and you could harmoniously mélange in its swirl of invincibly unshakable brotherhood;
till even beyond the veritable definitions of time,
If you thought that the entire world was your scintillating stage; and you could victoriously blaze in its spirit of sacrosanct mankind; for instants unsurpassable,
If you thought that the entire world was your pristine stage; and you could unceasingly exult in its rainbow of untainted desire; for a fathomlessly more euphoric nights,
If you thought that the entire world was your undefeated stage; and you could sensuously fulminate in its mountain of ardently unparalleled yearning; till entrenchments beyond the construable reach of voice,
If you thought that the entire world was your divinely stage; and you could titillate every slavering ingredient of your skin in its fountain of unblemished happiness; for as long as breath remained as the sole panacea for leading life,
If you thought that the entire world was your emollient stage; and you could quench your every benign yearning in its Sun of Omnipotent success; till even after the last trace of strength had extradited from your bones,
If you thought that the entire world was your inimitable stage; and you could ecstatically innovate in its fabric of supreme selflessness; till even the most mercurial decibel of sound palpitated in the atmosphere,
If you thought that the entire world was your unconquerable stage; and you could innocuously paint its vividly flocculent canvas; as long as there was Sun and Moon with equal equanimity in sapphire sky,
If you thought that the entire world was your miraculous stage; and you could immortally bond in its romantically impeccable paradise; for days and nights
Then what you are thinking is unassailably right; if only you could add BY THE GRACE OF GOD to each of your holistically Samaritan thoughts; O! Yes all that you are thinking is more than a 100 % true reflection of your humanitarian soul; by the grace of the Creator Divine.
Every maelstrom of unendingly truculent misery was whiplashed upon you by the hedonistic devil; as he salaciously marauded with his fingers soaked in innocent blood,
God was irrefutably a beam of Omnipotent righteousness; who not only blessed you with the insurmountable power to conquer all evil; but created infinite more of your kind; tirelessly every unfurling minute of the night and day,
Giving supreme liberty to the devil to do whatever he could; in whatever form he could; but in the end he would be pathetically decimated to inconspicuous ash; and victory shall forever be of unassailably majestic truth.
Every corpse of ghoulishly ungainly torture and invidiousness was thrusted upon you by the parasitic devil; as he indiscriminately trampled left; right and center; with brutally lascivious hunger lingering in his eyes,
God was irrefutably a Sun of unconquerably princely hope; who not only blessed you with the unsurpassable power to behead all evil; but created infinite more of your kind; tirelessly every unfurling minute of the night and day,
Giving uninhibited liberty to the devil to do whatever he could; in whatever form he could; but in the end he would be transformed into wisps of insipid nothingness; and victory shall forever be of invincibly glorious truth.
Every spirit of cadaverous desperation and malice was jinxed upon you by the savage devil; as he unsparingly plodded forward to devour all organisms alive,
God was irrefutably the sky of fathomless beauty and ingratiating enchantment; who not only blessed you with the unflinching power to vanquish all evil; but created infinite more of your kind; tirelessly every unfurling minute of the night and day,
Giving unrestricted liberty to the devil to do whatever he could; in whatever form he could; but in the end he would crumble into disdainful oblivion; and victory shall forever be of altruistically patriotic truth.
Every hell of preposterously raunchy sin and bawdiness was thrashed upon you by the hideous devil; as he dogmatically barked the tunes of abhorrently despicable lies,
God was irrefutably a religion of symbiotically Omnipresent mankind; who not only blessed you with the peerless power to destroy all evil; but created infinite more of your kind; tirelessly every unfurling minute of the night and day,
Giving unparalleled liberty to the devil to do whatever he could; in whatever form he could; but in the end he would wholesomely reduce into graveyards of parsimonious nothingness; and victory shall forever be of pristinely unblemished truth.
Every whirlwind of indescribably penalizing lechery and sodomizing torment was slapped upon you by the devastating devil; as he insanely burnt till the last
bone of his spine in the coffins of unrelenting hatred,
God was irrefutably an Omniscient harbinger of everlasting peace; who not only blessed you with inimitable fortitude to blow away all evil; but created infinite more of your kind; tirelessly every unfurling minute of the night and day,
Giving undaunted liberty to the devil to do whatever he could; in whatever form he could; but in the end he would be charred to inconsequential ash; and victory
shall forever be of gloriously immortal truth.
Every speck of acrimoniously cancerous and destructive disease was stabbed upon you by the incarcerating devil; as he intransigently sulked in the gallows of coldbloodedly rotten death,
God was irrefutably the priceless cosmos of perpetually royal fructification; who not only blessed you with the unchallengeable prowess to massacre all evil; but created infinite more of your kind; tirelessly every unfurling minute of the night and day,
Giving unstoppable liberty to the devil to do whatever he could; in whatever form he could; but in the end he would dissolve into the dustbins of extinction; and victory shall forever be of blazingly impeccable truth.
Every trace of orphaned wailing and hapless loneliness was tainted upon you by the ignominious devil; as he exhaled scorpions of remorseful prejudice even in deep sleep,
God was irrefutably a timelessly vivacious rainbow of desire and fearless hope; who not only blessed you with the insuperable ardor to finish all evil; but created infinite more of your kind every unfurling minute of the night and day,
Giving uncontrollable liberty to the devil to do whatever he could; in whatever form he could; but in the end he would lose every element of his existence; and victory shall forever be of immaculately bountiful truth.
Child of the Omnipotently everlasting Sun; was the gloriously ecstatic and flamboyantly pristine ray,
Child of the blissfully voluptuous cloud; was the ecstatically mesmerizing and seductively fragrant globule of water,
Child of the enchantingly exotic lotus; was the ever-pervading meadow of celestially bountiful and spell binding fragrance,
Child of the enigmatically proliferating forest; was the panoramically motley entrenchment of; vividly uninhibited nature and philandering animal,
Child of the ardently towering mountain; was the indomitably united civilization of brilliantly unfettered strength,
Child of the resplendently milky moon; was the fantastically fathomless pond
of euphorically twinkling shine,
Child of the innovatively blessed mind; was the untamed whirlpool of rapaciously surreal and joyously unblemished dreams,
Child of the seductively clandestine night; was the unparalleled cavern of impregnably unending and fascinatingly miraculous sensuousness,
Child of the insuperably true artist; was the timeless wind of magically bestowing
and eternally fructifying poetry,
Child of the unflinchingly altruistic soldier; was the sword of unassailably scintillating and pricelessly inimitable patriotism,
Child of the infallibly unrelenting optimism; was the unshakably undaunted epitome of astoundingly redolent and perpetually blossoming success,
Child of the vibrantly soaring butterfly; was the jubilantly emollient and majestically radiant hill of mystically ingenious frolic,
Child of the uncontrollably fluttering shadow; was the abysmally tranquil cave; of enticingly glorious and bounteously benign mysticism,
Child of the immutably egalitarian mirror; was the arrow of perennially spawning and limitlessly invincible righteousness,
Child of the royally embossed lexicon; was the astonishingly eclectic treasurehouse of convivially perspicacious and pragmatically opulent words,
Child of the ingratiatingly princely breath; was the chapter of unconquerably sparkling and iridescently tireless life,
Child of selflessly bonding symbiotism; was the philanthropically undefeatable religion of pricelessly benign and rhapsodically heavenly humanity,
Child of the insatiably thundering heart; was the victorious paradise of fathomlessly abounding and immortally divine love,
And Child of the Omnipresently Almighty Lord; was the inscrutably stupefying shell of this entire Universe; on which organism of every size; shape and color for him was wonderfully alike; on which he holistically coalesced one and all in the mantra of mankind; on which he showered love; love and only endless love; on which he fearlessly paraded as the Ultimate master for times till even beyond infinite infinity; and till the moment he liked.
If you’ve forever dreamt of a life without the slightest of apprehension; ecstatically rejoicing in the aisles of unfettered desire; for times immemorial,
If you’ve forever dreamt of a life without the slightest of bloodshed and crime; tranquilly swaying in the lap of sacredly divine peace; every unfurling minute of the day and enchanting night,
If you’ve forever dreamt of a life without acrimoniously frigid monotony; timelessly spawning into miraculously reinvigorating newness; with the first rays of the Golden Sun; at spell bindingly Omnipotent dawn,
If you’ve forever dreamt of a life without pugnacious backlashes; the winds of unparalleled triumph uninhibitedly kissing you on your every step; in your spells of sleep and ardent awakening; alike,
If you’ve forever dreamt of a life without venomously upbraiding salaciousness; the streams of impeccable amity and oneness; heavenly embracing you from every construable side,
If you’ve forever dreamt of a life without cannibalistically hedonistic prejudice; the arms of eternally glorious freedom hoisting you closer and closer; to the grace of the Omnisciently Almighty Lord,
If you’ve forever dreamt of a life without manipulatively ballistic vengeance; the profoundly sublime waves of altruistic simplicity; perpetuating the inner most chords of your truthful soul,
If you’ve forever dreamt of a life without preposterously pernicious poverty; the skies of ubiquitously unending prosperity and happiness; becoming the congenital mantra of your truncated existence,
If you’ve forever dreamt of a life without menacingly diabolical stagnation; the whirlwinds of fantastically emollient innovation; exuberantly whistling past your nape as each night unraveled into the brilliantly optimistic day,
If you’ve forever dreamt of a life without dolorously obsolete boredom; the
rainbow of everlastingly blissful humanity; becoming the sole elixir of your blessed survival,
If you’ve forever dreamt of a life without raunchily cold-blooded insanity; the fireballs of compassionately unstoppable yearning to unassailably ignite; the pathetically dwindling lantern of your survival,
If you’ve forever dreamt of a life without avariciously rancid nothingness; the ingratiating cisterns of propitious excitement; always keeping you effulgently young and alive,
If you’ve forever dreamt of a life without decrepit nonchalance and flagrant
debauchery; an atmosphere of ebulliently sparkling truth; overruling every emaciated ingredient of your crimson blood,
If you’ve forever dreamt of a life without disparaging desecration and abhorrent war; beautifully existing with every echelon of living kind; till infinite more births of yours,
If you’ve forever dreamt of a life without deliriously self inflicted misery; metamorphosing even the most bellicose entity that you caressed; into the mists of fragrantly unconquerable paradise,
If you’ve forever dreamt of a life without despicably torturous imprisonment; every recess of your impregnably passionate heart; fulminating into an cloudburst of marvelously untainted expression,
If you’ve forever dreamt of a life without lethally aggrieved adulteration; a citadel of irrefutably glistening honesty handsomely blossoming from every conceivable pore of mother earth,
If you’ve forever dreamt of a life without perilously betraying infidelity; the insuperably enamoring bonds of unflinching camaraderie; unshakably entwining with every breath that you effusively exhaled,
And if you’ve forever dreamt of a life that doesn’t just remain a dream; shattering even the most inconspicuous ray of hope that tumultuously lingered in your euphorically bubbling countenance,
Then here’s your chance O! Mate to transform each of your benign dream into
the sky of veritable reality; here’s your chance to become God’s most pricelessly blessed organism till the time this earth existed and even beyond; here’s your chance to be the closest to the divine; by blending every beat of your heart; soul and immaculate conscience,
Falling forever and ever and ever; into the river of immortally Omnipresent
and timelessly exultating love.
You might choose to help the disparagingly shambling mountaintops; or you might choose to commiserate with all those heartlessly orphaned in the invidiously cold-blooded garbage bins,
You might choose to help the flagrantly disoriented lunatic; or you might chose to sow the seeds of fructifying virility on acrimoniously bellicose and barren soil,
You might choose to help the mercilessly adulterated ocean; or you might choose to compassionately embrace all those truculently lambasted by mortuaries of bizarre betrayal,
You might choose to help the plebeian brutally maimed by the onslaught of derogatory politics; or you might choose to optimistically mitigate the lives of all those despicably rotting in dungeons of blindness; since the time they shouted their first cry,
You might choose to help the rapidly vanishing rainbow; or you might choose to inundate the commercial atmosphere thoroughly depleted of empathy; with the fragrance of everlasting humanity,
You might choose to help the egregiously wounded lion; or you might choose to illuminate the lanterns of unassailably mesmerizing humanity; in the corpses
abhorrently blood-sucking war,
You might choose to help the one-legged beggar; or you might choose to become an immutably altruistic messiah of the religion of priceless mankind,
You might choose to help ominously trampled and butchered roses; or you might choose to perennially venerate every holistic mother whom you encountered in your way,
You might choose to help every suicidal element of the diabolically estranged society; or you might choose to coalesce every tribe; sect and color of this iridescently exhilarating Universe; into the scent of enchanting mankind,
You might choose to help every star lividly falling from fathomless sky; or you might choose to stand like an insuperable fortress beside every despairing destitute; who was being hedonistically tortured for ostensibly no reason or rhyme,
You might choose to help the indigently nervous and frigidly quavering shadow; or you might choose to bring the cradle of untainted innocence to every dwelling besieged with manipulatively dastard prejudice,
You might choose to help ghoulishly stale and sullen space; or you might choose to hoist every unwanted infant on this gigantic Universe; upon your magnanimous shoulders till the time you breathed your very last,
You might choose to help the hopelessly asphyxiating eunuch; or you might choose to become the ultimate ambassador of unconquerably limitless peace; on the trajectory of this boundless Universe,
You might choose to help civilizations uprooted after nonsensical bombardment and ghastly war; or you might choose to perseveringly evolve a pathway of indomitably unparalleled truth; with the streams of your very own euphoric blood,
You might choose to help the ignominiously incarcerated slave; or you might choose to liberate the floodgates of your passionate heart; allowing every devilishly monotonous life to share your tributaries of selfless love,
You might choose to help the fish uncontrollably slavering without water; or you might choose to precociously innovate unsurpassable cisterns of miraculous freshness; on every step that you tread,
O! Yes; Help in whatever way you could and whomsoever on this bountifully resplendent planet that you philanthropically wanted to; but remember that every single of your divinely benevolent deeds would metamorphose into inconspicuously frigid shit; the instant you bombastically proclaimed to the world that you were indeed the one who did them; you were the one who had alleviated countless organism; of their misery and horrific pain,
For you were just an infinitesimally molecular mediator of the Lord Almighty sent on this planet to do humble deeds; while it was the Creator himself; who not only decided as to whom you were going to help; in what capacity you were going to help; who needed your help the most; and who was indeed destined to receive your help; but bestowed upon you the unflinching power to forever succeed and help.
Forgive me for inadvertently trampling over scores of tiny ants; crawling unnoticed on the cold floor,
Forgive me for spitting foamy saliva indiscreetly on the streets; on formation of excess liquid in the palette of my mouth,
Forgive me for banging my fists in tandem against the wall; clenching my teeth in raw indignation on being intimidated,
Forgive me for driving at lightening speeds through the solitary streets; bouncing in the drivers seat while listening to pulsating music,
Forgive me for indiscriminately pouncing on the petulant mosquito; buzzing incessantly in the vicinity of my eardrum,
Forgive me for not listening to my mother; when she stringently admonished to get up at the crack of evanescent dawn,
Forgive me for being insatiably greedy; when it came to extracting wealth from this uncouth world,
Forgive me for indulging in licentious thoughts; possessing feeble control over the unprecedented realms of my mind,
Forgive me for sipping opulent wine; drowning myself wholesomely into domains of tantalizing fantasy,
Forgive me for skipping my morning prayers; in the bustle to reach office and commence work at fast pace,
Forgive me for snoring like a demon all-night; permeating the still air with an indefatigable volley of cacophonic sounds,
Forgive me for attending bombastic parties; blending profusely with a conglomerate of people with spurious smiles,
Forgive me for swaying rampantly on the streets; inhabiting the discotheques till wee hours of night,
Forgive me for overhearing candid conversations; in my unrelenting curiosity to envisage activities behind close doors,
Forgive me for leaving squalid footprints as I walked; caressing the immaculately polished floor with dirt lining the periphery of my toes,
Forgive me for plucking resplendent flowers from their stalks; dismantling the moist earth by digging voraciously with my hands,
Forgive me for being overwhelmingly stubborn; standing steadfast with my baseless opinions; refraining to listen to others,
Forgive me for using abashing expletives; rebuking innocuous individuals in proximity; for no apparent fault of theirs,
Forgive me for ridiculing eminent personalities; making a travesty of the remarkable deeds they executed in their lives,
Forgive me for loitering aimlessly in space; becoming oblivious to the essence of life for some part of the day,
Over and above all forgive me O! Lord for the plethora of misdeeds I have committed in my life as a human being; instead bless me with loads of fortitude to propagate double the happiness of all what I have destroyed.
Hatred Vs Hatred. Both of them deliriously lost; apart from them being the most haplessly growling failures in their very own individual selves. And to top that;
those who dared compare them; unrelentingly roamed in the lavatories of the hideously asphyxiating devil.
Prejudice Vs Prejudice. Both of them flagrantly lost; apart from them being the most vindictively gruesome failures in their very own individual selves. And to top that; those who dared compare them; barbarously tortured every conceivable pore of their bodies with the sword of the salacious devil.
War Vs War. Both of them devastatingly lost; apart from them being the most truculently ghoulish failures in their very own individual selves. And to top that;
those who dared compare them; licked the boots of the atrociously cannibalistic devil; clean of the last iota of grime.
Lies Vs Lies. Both of them pathetically lost; apart from them being the most derogatorily tyrannical failures in their very own individual selves. And to top that; those who dared compare them; wholeheartedly let the parasitic devil shoot them right in the whites of their innocuous eyes.
Chauvinism Vs Chauvinism. Both of them bawdily lost; apart from them being the most diabolically disoriented failures in their very own individual selves. And to top that; those who dared compare them; immutably followed the sacrilegiously inane footsteps of the devil; till infinite infinity.
Infertility Vs Infertility. Both of them horrendously lost; apart from them being the most tawdrily disgruntled failures in their very own individual selves. And to top that; those who dared compare them; hopelessly invited the raunchily plundering devil; right into the heart of their compassionate nocturnal quilt.
Crime Vs Crime. Both of them ridiculously lost; apart from them being the most preposterously dastardly failures in their very own individual selves. And to top that; those who dared compare them; inevitably deteriorated into the despicably marauding fists of the rebuking devil.
Terrorism Vs Terrorism. Both of them egregiously lost; apart from them being the most ominously maiming failures in their very own individual selves. And to top that; those who dared compare them; were inexorably gobbled by the shadow of the remorsefully sulking devil.
Perversion Vs Perversion. Both of them heartlessly lost; apart from them being the most sadistically silencing failures in their very own individual selves. And to top that; those who dared compare them; lost even the most infinitesimal iota of their blissful senses; to the lethally massacring devil.
Extinction Vs Extinction. Both of them deplorably lost; apart from them being the most incomprehensibly victimizing failures in their very own individual selves. And to top that; those who dared compare them; intransigently sniffed the rancid stench of the loquaciously foolhardy devil for times immemorial.
Blackness Vs Blackness. Both of them maliciously lost; apart from them being the most satanically glaring failures in their very own individual selves. And to top that; those who dared compare them; got brutally kicked in their hindsides; by the torturously jinxed devil.
Infidelity Vs Infidelity. Both of them malevolently lost; apart from them being the most profanely bemoaning failures in their very own individual selves. And to top that; those who dared compare them; got indiscriminately chopped to inconspicuous mincemeat; by the uncontrollably maniacal devil.
Inhumanity Vs Inhumanity. Both of them treacherously lost; apart from them being the most lugubriously goddamned failures in their very own individual selves. And to top that; those who dared compare them; were bitten to lividly harried oblivion; by the inconsolably rabid devil.
Rape Vs Rape. Both of them vapidly lost; apart from them being the most bizarrely shameful failures in their very own individual selves. And to top that; those who dared compare them; suffered perennial imprisonment in the coffins of hell; where the unabashedly cruel devil reigned supreme.
Cowardliness Vs Cowardliness. Both of them indefinitely lost; apart from them being the most garrulously dislocated failures in their very own individual selves. And to top that; those who dared compare them; irrevocably drowned in the ocean of the tyrannically lambasting devil; forever and ever and ever.
Madness Vs Madness. Both of them disconsolately lost; apart from them being the most inexplicably demented failures in their very own individual selves. And to top that; those who dared compare them; incorrigibly clung to the non-existently impotent caricature of the devil; like a freshly born eunuch.
Monotony Vs Monotony. Both of them miserably lost; apart from them being the most cynically dissolving failures in their very own individual selves. And to
top that; those who dared compare them; indispensably wailed the tunes of the licentiously lamenting devil; till even beyond the very last breath of their lives.
Politics Vs Politics. Both of them dolorously lost; apart from them being the most vituperatively intolerable failures in their very own individual selves. And to top that; those who dared compare them; were left absolutely free; in the graveyard of the savagely crucifying devil.
Whilst Love Vs Love. Both of them were the solely ardent winners; apart from them being the most pricelessly Omnipotent magicians in their very own individual selves. And to top that; those who dared compare them; perpetually transcended and consecrated the definition of the word “Comparison”; perpetually resided in the heavenly lap of the Omnipresent Almighty Lord.
You might hide an infinite feet beneath the frostily undulating waves of the ocean; or entirely camouflage every single bone of your shivering silhouette within the untamed wilderness of the tropically unabashed forest,
You might hide in the most infinitesimally blackened corners of ghastly midnight; or seek dastardly refuge behind the bars of the most unassailably diabolical prison,
You might hide fretfully beneath an unsurpassably Herculean mountain of mud; or obfuscate even the tiniest trace of your demeanor from worldly eyes; fearfully crawling into the interiors of the artificially look alike corpse,
You might hide behind the most imperturbably thorny cactuses of the fathomless desert; or impregnate every conceivable pore of your naked skin with the most tenaciously invincible jackets of steel,
You might hide on the most intangibly remotest islands of obsolescence; or keep unrelentingly rolling in acrimoniously sweltering sand; until every part of your nimble body looked no different from those threadbare granules of mud,
You might hide in the most farthermost dungeons of the haplessly extinct mortuary; or try and escape as far as possible from the trajectory of earth; an infinite miles beyond the clouds in the contemporary spacecraft,
You might hide in the most invisibly claustrophobic vents of the miserably deflated gutterpipe; or try and spend the remainder of your life a countless kilometers behind; unconquerably thick walls of snow,
You might hide in the wholesomely flabbergasted horizons of nothingness; or enter your entire form into the body of such a scepter; which could defend you against the most mightiest forces and enemies on earth,
You might hide in the myriad colors of the rainbow praying your very best for the shades to wholesomely overpower you; or live your entire life in deceitful disguise; disdainfully slithering in the squalid swamps alongwith the alligators,
You might hide amidst the already lifeless carcasses of dead men and women; or run faster than the speed of white lightening; to fly to the most safest place on this enigmatic Universe,
You might hide in the tallest grasses which waved their green stalks till eternity; or keep endlessly darting for unconquerable shelter here and there; till the last puff of breath exhausted in your lungs,
You might hide amidst the roots of insuperably century old tree; or cunningly sink beneath innumerable layers of unshakable iron; which could unflinchingly withstand the onslaught of every superpower on planet earth,
You might hide in the most inconsequentially forgotten events of the oblivious attic; or scream your lungs hoarse for every comprehensible source of help; on
this magnetically fructifying planet,
You might hide in the comfortable hollows of the gigantically impenetrable dinosaur’s ear; or bury yourself in dreadful shame under a hillock of fetid feces; of the flaccidly squandering pig,
You might hide in the lap of your perpetually venerated mother; or cry a boundless tears every single minute; asking for more time and space in your life,
You might hide in the most obscured caverns of the demonically echoing well; or hire every single organism on earth to guard you 24 X 7; with the power of
your unlimitedly scintillating wealth,
You might hide in the deepest fronds of slippery satin; or abashedly cover every contour of your face and form with the most embellished of veil; just like a
newly wedded nubile bride,
You might hide in the mortuaries of hell bribing the sadistically massacring devil for transient refuge; or keep adroitly absconding from place to another; so that not even the most diminutive of your footprints could be irrefutably traced,
And go wherever you desperately wanted to; do whatever you eclectically wanted to; hide as much as you salaciously wanted to; but remember O! impoverished man; that whenever your moment to leave this planet as chosen by the Almighty Lord arrives; death will chase you; strangulate you; completely finish you; irrespective of your caste; creed; status; color or tribe; until the last puff of breath exhausts in your lungs; and until you veritably die.
On one hand you say; that I should indefatigably worship my parents; more than I could’ve worshipped the greatest of Gods,
On the other hand you say; that neither should I ever worship those who pulverized and ruthlessly massacred Mother Nature for simply no ostensible reason or rhyme; nor should I ever dare do the same myself,
Then you only tell me O! Almighty Lord; that should I ever worship my parents or not; when infact at times; they mercilessly massacred trees and mother nature; just to spuriously clean their dwellings of untamed wild and natural outgrowths.
On one hand you say; that I should interminably worship my parents feet night and day; no matter how much hell ruthlessly rained upon planet divine,
On the other hand you say; that neither should I ever worship those who consider haplessly orphaned children as pieces of worthless shit; nor should I ever dare do the same myself,
Then you only tell me O! Almighty Lord; that should I ever worship my parents or not; when infact at times; they disdainfully discarded every other wailing child on this Universe except their very own; based on the spurious pretext that their child was the most beautiful of them all.
On one hand you say; that I should limitlessly worship even the tiniest reflection of my parents; make it the sole mantra and breath of my impoverished destined life,
On the other hand you say; that neither should I ever worship those who in this free planet who despicably made others hoarsely scrub their lavatories and floors; nor should I ever dare do the same myself,
Then you only tell me O! Almighty Lord; that should I ever worship my parents or not; when infact at times; they made countless slave for them all throughout their existence; at times dictating even uneducated innocent youth to extricate the last bit of grime from beneath their lavatory seat; and then justifying their unbearable actions by paying few wads of currency note.
On one hand you say; that I should dedicatedly worship my parents for whatever they were; howsoever they were; just for bringing me blissfully onto this victoriously unbridled planet,
On the other hand you say; that neither should I ever worship those who fetidly discriminate between one religion/caste/creed and the other; nor should I ever
dare to do the same myself,
Then you only tell me O! Almighty Lord; that should I ever worship my parents or not; when infact at times; they vehemently and wholeheartedly ostracized other religions and tribes as terrorists; proclaiming their own religion to be the most celestially unconquerable and blessed of them all.
On one hand you say; that I should tirelessly worship my parents above all existing truth and righteousness on this planet; till even after I exhaled my very last breath,
On the other hand you say; that neither should I ever worship those who shrewdly manipulate their way in life to the absolute top; nor should I ever dare to do the same myself,
Then you only tell me O! Almighty Lord; that should I ever worship my parents or not; when infact at times; they sacrilegiously lied at several occasions with living kind and society; for invincibly adding that extra bit of glimmer to their already hoisted flag of unfettered success.
On one hand you say; that I should perpetually worship my parents; taking even the most intangible word that they uttered; as the ultimate command of my truncated existence,
On the other hand you say; that neither should I ever worship those who refrain from philanthropically reaching out to despairing humanity; nor should I ever dare to do the same myself,
Then you only tell me O! Almighty Lord; that should I ever worship my parents or not; when infact at times; they unnecessarily splurged countless of their wealth in sanctimonious society formalities; parties; their own children’s marriages; without benevolently donating even a bygone penny for the betterment and amelioration of penuriously strangulated mankind.
On one hand you say; that I should unstoppably worship even the most obfuscated footprint left by my parents on soil; make it the sole path of heavenly enlightenment in my humble life,
On the other hand you say; that neither should I ever worship those who heartlessly believed in adhering to the principles of baselessly tyrannizing formality; nor should I ever dare do the same myself,
Then you only tell me O! Almighty Lord; that should I ever worship my parents or not; when infact at times; they let the perverted norms of formality in this world; force their very own children to pursue things on this earth that they never desired or wanted.
On one hand you say; that I should relentlessly worship even the most oblivious wrinkle on my parent’s forehead; find the ultimate destinations and epitomes
of my life; in the unassailable whites of their eyes,
On the other hand you say; that neither should I ever worship those who ruthlessly and deliberately killed innocuous organisms and insects without a pang of hunger in their stomachs; nor should I ever dare to do the same myself,
Then you only tell me O! Almighty Lord; that should I ever worship my parents or not; when infact at times; they barbarously killed countless ants; flies; bees; rats; cockroaches and the likes within their house; so that it exactly resembled like the spic and span aisles of infallible paradise.
On one hand you say; that I should unflinchingly worship even the last iota of spit which my parents wafted; savoring it as the most priceless blessing upon me on this fathomlessly enchanting earth,
On the other hand you say; that neither should I ever worship those who clearly heard every cry of despair from the planet and yet remained silent; nor should I
ever dare to do the same myself,
Then you only tell me O! Almighty Lord; that should I ever worship my parents or not; who infact at times; wholesomely heard the inexhaustibly maiming wails of humanity; but yet closed their doors impregnably shut; partly because of the fear that they’d land up behind bars if they helped; and partly because their routine sleep was too dear for them to lose.
On one hand you say; that I should eternally worship even the most inconspicuous globule of sweat of my parents; treasuring it as the most inimitably unconquerable good luck charm of my life,
On the other hand you say; that neither should I ever worship those who solely propagated the axiom of “Live Like a king” and not “Live and Let live like a king”; nor should I ever dare to do the same myself,
Then you only tell me O! Almighty Lord; that should I ever worship my parents or not; who infact at times; couldn’t selfishly see anyone else but their own kin and themselves in the mirror of the world; and who tirelessly wanted only these few to “Live like a King”.
Nobody is a slave of anybody; emotionlessly slavering to even the most infinitesimal commands of the master; being incarcerated within chains of sadistic malice; whilst robustly exuberant blood fulminated in his veins,
Nobody is a puppet of anybody; indefatigably dancing to the music of sacrilegious prejudice; pathetically maneuvered like melting ice; towards the mortuaries of the cold-blooded devil,
Nobody is a commodity of anybody; being raunchily sold and repackaged within the next few minutes; just to earn a tawdrily decrepit armory of cannibalistically greedy notes,
Nobody is a shadow of anybody; incorrigibly sticking to the most anomalous form of venomously parasitic living being; just to mollify the most unthinkably perverted of whims,
Nobody is a lynchpin of anybody; being incessantly hammered for no ostensible reason or rhyme; just to tickle the funny bone of the rich man; whose demonic
throne was solely and profusely soaked in innocent blood,
Nobody is a follower of anybody; blindly accepting even the most idiosyncratic ideologies of the opposite man; just because he was sanctimoniously adorned in
a brilliantly white robe,
Nobody is a student of anybody; meaninglessly imbibing the principles of existence within the 4ft X 4 ft classroom and amidst a robotically dictatorial pile of books; when infact the true mantra of life was timelessly learnt by leaving the body and soul wholesomely uninhibited and reverberating with the symbiotic surroundings,
Nobody is a leftover of anybody; being worthlessly kicked into the furthermost corners of the unbearably fetid dustbin; after tirelessly appeasing the satanic
gluttony of the so called; blasphemous master,
Nobody is a reflection of anybody; blandly portraying his beautifully rubicund face on every wall and mirror; whenever the other wretchedly febrile organism wanted to sight his own face; but was afraid of witnessing his abysmally gory contours,
Nobody is a waiter of anybody; serving the most tantalizingly ecstatic dishes at the most mercurial kick to the rear; whilst himself famishing the last bone down his spine into the tunnels of spiteful nothingness,
Nobody is a sweeper of anybody; uxoriously cleaning and licking the last iota of grime from the master’s shoe; and then dementedly entering his bathroom to
clean his lividly soiled lavatory seat,
Nobody is a flatterer of anybody; seamlessly praising even the most dingily misanthropic deeds ever committed on all mankind; just to ensure himself a
diminutive roof over his worthlessly molecular head,
Nobody is a pathway of anybody; senselessly laying himself on the most acrimoniously vindictive battalion of abject thorns; so that the feet of the other living being perennially tread on royal silk; whenever he chose to limp or walk,
Nobody is a prey of anybody; entirely sacrificing even the most inconspicuous element of his life to the devil’s command; simply to superstitiously increase the age of his every sibling,
Nobody is a dwelling of anybody; foolishly trying to accommodate even the most merrily triumphant of living being in his body; unacceptably making all living kind go to pathetic sleep; even before it could learn to walk on its own feet,
Nobody is an experiment of anybody; wantonly allowing even the most evanescent pore of his body; to be perpetuated with an infinite medicines and sinister contraptions; for the so called amelioration of human kind,
Nobody is a whore of anybody; criminally surrendering every ounce of venerated flesh bestowed upon by the Almighty; just to titillate the already pugnaciously impotent hairs on the male chauvinists skin,
Nobody is a breath of anybody; sinfully ending his very own priceless life; just in order to rejuvenate and bless another organisms despondently venomous body; which was already chosen by the heavens to irrefutably die,
Everybody works shoulder to shoulder with everybody. But we all are; have been and shall always be; slaves, commodities; puppets; experiments; breaths; preys; pathways; flatterers; sweepers; waiters; leftovers; students; followers; shadows and an infinite more; of the Omnipresent Almighty Lord.
If God gave them just one wish; then the gruesomely blind; would irrefutably ask for majestically glorious mirrors of explicit sight,
If God gave it just one wish; then the treacherously scorched desert; would irrefutably ask for cloudbursts of tumultuously rhapsodic and bountiful rain,
If God gave them just one wish; then the devastatingly dumb; would irrefutably ask for stupendously captivating melody; drifting like an angel from his deprived mouth,
If God gave them just one wish; then the disastrously dying; would irrefutably ask for blooming anecdotes of a blissful life,
If God gave it just one wish; the abominably stinking gutter; would irrefutably ask for ingratiating scent and stupendously royal charm,
If God gave it just one wish; then the overwhelmingly distraught spider crippled badly on soil; would irrefutably ask for silvery strands of fathomlessly
mesmerizing web,
If God gave it just one wish; then the perpetually still and ghastly corpse; would irrefutably ask for perennial waterfalls of euphoric life,
If God gave it just one wish; then the truculently shattered mirror; would irrefutably ask for being a scintillating blanket of glass once again; shimmering in the aisles of insatiable desire and grandiloquent opulence,
If God gave it just one wish; then the pathetically devastated and frigidly soggy branch; would irrefutably ask for astoundingly proliferating into a handsome flurry of intoxicating green leaves; mystically blending with the winds,
If God gave them just one wish; then the irrevocably stone deaf; would irrefutably ask for even the most infinitesimally sensitive wave of sound; to tantalizingly tingle each of their saddened senses,
If God gave them just one wish; then the agonizingly stumbling maim; would irrefutably ask for robust pairs of astutely galloping legs; transporting them
triumphantly; to the ultimate zenith of enthralling paradise,
If God gave it just one wish; then the acrimoniously bitter cactus; would irrefutably ask for a mountain of resplendent silk; to wholesomely camouflage its murderously sinister persona,
If God gave it just one wish; then the insurmountably rusty knife; would irrefutably ask for piquantly pepped up sharpness; slicing with astronomical ease through the most obdurately stony vegetable skin,
If God gave him just one wish; then the profusely castigated artist; would irrefutably ask for every cranny of this monotonously lackadaisical planet; to be enshrouded with the magic of his ebullient craftsmanship,
If God gave it just one wish; then the invidiously strangulate lip; would irrefutably ask for an unsurpassable ocean of celestially endowing smiles,
If God gave them just one wish; then the incomprehensibly old and withering; would irrefutably ask for those euphoric moments of their lives which they cherished the most; a blissful place to eternally rest in wonderful heaven,
If God gave it just one wish; then the nostalgically magnificent photograph; would irrefutably ask to marvelously rejoice all those beautifully enchanting moments; till times beyond immortal reality,
If God gave it just one wish; then the uncouthly kicked beggar on the streets; would irrefutably ask for boundless treasuries; overflowing with fabulous silk and a sky showering glittering diamonds on every step that he tread,
And if God gave me just one wish; then my impoverishedly betrayed heart; would irrefutably ask for love; love; and only impregnable love; invincibly making me laugh in the face of bizarre adversity; achieving the most fulfilling mission of my destined life.
Dressed for the enchanting garden; I wore uninhibitedly sagging flannel trousers; rampantly encapsulating persona with a blanket of ravishingly green leaf,
Dressed for the valiant battle; I wore armors of invincible steel; unflinchingly enveloped my entire body with swords of scintillatingly intrepid courage,
Dressed for the pulsating discotheque; I wore skimpy sweatshirts and headbands; entrenching even the most infinitesimal follicle of my hair; with exotically rustic and wild gypsy straw,
Dressed for diving in the undulating ocean; I wore an ostentatiously raunchy two piece swimsuit; liberating my senses to be astoundingly unruly; to be
handsomely unbelievable and natural,
Dressed for gallivanting through the mystical forests; I wore a brazenly exhilarating leopard skin; insurmountably tingling even the most diminutive element of my visage with the astronomically aristocratic freshness of mother nature,
Dressed for nocturnal bedtime; I wore a nonchalantly floating silken robe; stringently applyingintransigently repellent balms all over my body; to sequester myself from the horde of perniciously pertinent mosquitoes,
Dressed for ravenously heavenly supper; I wore an impeccably humble apron of ivory white; smacking my slavering lips and tongue with chilled soda; to tantalizingly foment my gargantuan appetite,
Dressed for the mesmerizing magic show; I wore a wizardly cloak of celestially conjuring voluptuousness; embellishing my drearily penurious looks with charismatically resplendent vanity powder,
Dressed for ragged mountaineering; I wore an unfathomable cascade of machismo denim; resiliently punctuating even the most inconspicuous bone of my sagging body with punches of ingratiating euphoria,
Dressed for the poignantly princely marriage; I wore fascinating garlands of sensuously iridescent rose; beautifully adorning every patch of my shivering skin with gorges of spell bindingly amiable friendship,
Dressed for ebulliently exhilarating adventure; I wore a frolickingly kangaroo outfit; vibrantly assimilating all marvelously intoxicating melody of the benign atmosphere; in my unequivocally wandering stride,
Dressed for regally sagacious school; I wore twin sets of meticulously ironed trousers; overwhelming my inherently laggard visage with the mantra of holistically mortal righteousness,
Dressed for receiving the magnanimously scintillating trophy; I wore a majestically crimson blazer; drowning my nimbly trembling demeanor in the aisles of gloriously aristocratic Oligarchy,
Dressed for the fetidly acrimonious gutters; I wore a graveyard of derogatorily sullen tomatoes; remorsefully melanging every ingredient of my form with the walls of frantically sinful desperation,
Dressed for the triumphant birthday party; I wore an unimaginable festoon of vividly cheerful balloons; magnificently substituting each of my monotonously traumatized senses with the everlasting eternal elixir of; youthful joyousness,
Dressed for the abhorrently corporate meeting; I wore a brutally asphyxiating formal suit which almost wringed my subtle neck; salaciously draping my harmoniously symbiotic personality; with viciously slandering slang,
Dressed for the chapter of wonderfully victorious life; I wore the philanthropically Omnipotent color of the Sun and the Moon; fabulously coalescing every ingredient of my serene conscience with the; fruits of gorgeously fructifying nature,
And dressed for immortally sacrosanct love; I wore the perpetually charming blessings of the Almighty Divine; wholesomely relinquishing everything else on this fathomless Universe; except his unconquerable order to serve all Omnipresent humanity; except his sacredly enamoring wish to proliferate countless more of my kind.
It was my incessant inspiration; to diffuse into an unfathomable valley of goodness; perpetually coalesce with my bountiful rudiments; irrespective of the contemporarily bombastic slang and slime,
It was my tireless inspiration; to float in the aisles of untamed sensuousness; assimilate all fathomless beauty of this resplendent Universe; in every ingredient of my agonizingly famished blood,
It was my unrelenting inspiration; to embrace the winds of timeless fantasy; let the spirit of euphorically rhapsodic existence; take wholesome control upon my countenance from all sides,
It was my limitless inspiration; to blazingly surge forward in the chapter of vibrantly enthralling life; gloriously emerge as a triumphant winner in every direction that I even remotely conceived to tread,
It was my boundless inspiration; to poignantly break the heinous shackles of crippling monotony; uninhibitedly liberate each of my senses to blend with the unparalleled ecstasy of this Omnipotent cosmos,
It was my unprecedented inspiration; to unfurl into an insatiable civilization of creativity every unfurling instant of the day; fabulously decipher the enigmatic
meanings of survival; with the silken dexterity of an embellished prince,
It was my indefatigable inspiration; to coin new benchmarks on even the most diminutive step that I transgressed; digressing from conventionally treacherous turgidity; to sparklingly enhance the fireballs of optimism in every tomorrow,
It was my profuse inspiration; to unstoppably reminisce the caverns of mischief of my innocuous childhood; Omnisciently cherish the compassionate lap of my divinely mother; for infinite more births of mine,
It was my undaunted inspiration; to philanthropically serve all bereaved humanity till the very last breath of mine; assiduously persevere all day and twinkling night; to unite all religion; caste; creed and tribe; handsomely alike,
It was my incorrigible inspiration; to romantically philander in the meadows of eternally tantalizing seduction; till even centuries immemorial after I died,
It was my indomitable inspiration; to resiliently pursue the innermost tunes of my soul; tirelessly march on the path of celestial righteousness; even as the most salaciously ghastly impediment dared to come my way,
It was my enchanting inspiration; to bask in the glory of Omnipotently fascinating scent; let the fragrance of unbiased togetherness be my sole companion till the absolute end of my time,
It was my benign inspiration; to magnanimously assist all those in truculently traumatic pain; shower the smiles of my visage; forever upon their uncontrollably shivering bodies,
It was my formidable inspiration; to unflinchingly bounce forward even as vindictive thorns of hell torrentially pelted from open sky; to maintain a wave of spell binding phlegmatism even in the face of the most tyrannically lambasting disaster,
It was my fathomless inspiration; to unendingly fantasize all mesmerizing goodness that lay embellished on this planet; absorb even the most ethereal iota of happiness that lingered abundantly on this marvelous planet,
It was my unbelievable inspiration; to blossom into an iridescent paradise of beauty as the minutes unveiled; transcend past the barriers of threadbare spuriousness in all aspects of exotic life,
It was my ubiquitous inspiration; to synergistically enthrall one and all alike; with the tunes of captivatingly enthralling vivaciousness and charismatic grace,
It was my immortal breath; to not only majestically lead this; but every artistically eclectic life; of a countless more lifetimes,
O! Yes; it was God’s most pricelessly precious gift bestowed perennially upon my heart; it was the most fascinating thing that could have ever happened to me
in my life; it was my reflection that I sighted every dawn in my mirror; it was my HEAVENLY POETRY.
Enigmatic were the beats of the heavenly waterfall; pelting in ecstatic unison on the chain of fathomlessly mesmerizing rocks,
Melodious were the beats of the enchanting lotus; charismatically swaying in the rhapsodically tangy breeze that enveloped the air from all sides,
Ravishing were the beats of the seductive clouds; boundlessly tantalizing the colossal Universe with their compassionately vivid sensuousness,
Fabulous were the beats of the fecund bees; tirelessly disseminating into an ocean of unfathomably beautiful honey; as the Sun blazed to its most unprecedentedly profound radiance in azure sky,
Blissful were the beats of the rustling trees; vivaciously casting a mist of ardently endless desire; even in the heart of the most dolorously deadened night,
Tantalizing were the beats of the poignant sea; exotically swirling to indefatigably blend with silken carpets of timelessly endowing sky,
Fascinating were the beats of the majestic eagle; beautifully flapping its royal wings till times beyond eternity; celestially embracing the heavenly winds,
Symbiotic were the beats of melanging mankind; where all organism irrespective of caste; creed and spurious tribe; iridescently coalesced into the religion
of unconquerably scintillating humanity,
Triumphant were the beats of the patriotic soldier; unflinchingly confronting even the most ghastily acrimonious impediment with an innocuous smile,
Truculent were the beats of the unforgiving cyclone; disastrously devastating even the most infinitesimal speck of holistic life in vicinity; to preposterously threadbare shit,
Exuberant were the beats of the opalescent butterfly; mischievously fluttering its wings; under the Omnipotently dazzling rays of the afternoon Sun,
Nonchalant were the beats of the lugubrious tortoise; lackadaisically snoring on swampy soil; even as an unsurpassable battalion of panthers ferociously roared
in from all sides,
Blistering were the beats of the glistening desert; unrelentingly flaming full throttle; every unfurling minute of the sweltering day and even in the entrenchment of tranquilly serene midnight,
Holistic were the beats of the divinely saint; unfurling each shade of his philanthropically magnanimous life; to the service of eternally endowing and scintillating mankind,
Invincible were the beats of mesmerizing friendship; ebulliently evolving into a mist of unbreakable togetherness; to jubilantly unveil into the astronomically aristocratic colors of vivid life,
Exhilarating were the beats of intrepid adventure; blossoming into overwhelmingly thunderous newness; as every lane led into the echoes of the uncannily unknown,
Ingratiating were the beats of the dancing peacock; tantalizing even the most appallingly gruesome corpse of grizzly blood; to wholesomely blend with the
magically regale rhythm of mother nature,
Piquant were the beats of uninhibited candidness; propelling untamed fires to erupt into the timidly grandiloquent soul; diffusing a cloudburst of effusive poignancy in even the most insipid arena of the atmosphere,
Miraculous were the beats of Omniscient breath; gloriously instilling life in even the most blood soaked corpses of the devil; proving the most fantastic panacea to lead the chapter of mystically undulating life,
And Immortal were the beats of Godly love; bonding every organism; caste; creed; color and stature on the trajectory of this gigantic planet; into the mantra of unshakable oneness; into the paradise of wonderful sharing; into the fragrance of everlastingly united existence.
How the hell can you say that you were tired; as long as the Creator had bestowed mesmerizing empathy in your resplendently twinkling eyes ?
How the hell can you say that you were tired; as long as the Creator had bestowed poignantly crimson blood in your exuberantly unflinching veins ?
How the hell can you say that you were tired; as long as the Creator had bestowed unequivocally explicit voice in the chords of your enchantingly bountiful throat ?
How the hell can you say that you were tired; as long as the Creator had bestowed robustly triumphant ardor in your gloriously magnanimous palms ?
How the hell can you say that you were tired; as long as the Creator had bestowed an ingratiatingly heavenly charisma in your patriotically blazing stride ?
How the hell can you say that you were tired; as long as the Creator had bestowed euphorically everlasting smiles upon your innocuously rubicund lips ?
How the hell can you say that you were tired; as long as the Creator had bestowed rhapsodically vivacious charisma in your ebulliently cascading hair ?
How the hell can you say that you were tired; as long as the Creator had bestowed unparalleled piquancy in each of your poignantly intricate senses ?
How the hell can you say that you were tired; as long as the Creator had bestowed insatiably untamed whirlpools of spell binding fantasy; in even the most infinitesimal corridors of your ecstatically wandering brain ?
How the hell can you say that you were tired; as long as the Creator had bestowed unparalleled muscle in your tenaciously resilient arms ?
How the hell can you say that you were tired; as long as the Creator had bestowed indispensable morsels of food in your harmoniously bouncing and innocuous stomach ?
How the hell can you say that you were tired; as long as the Creator had bestowed a cistern of tantalizingly enigmatic seduction on even the most diminutively obsolete step that you transgressed ?
How the hell can you say that you were tired; as long as the Creator had bestowed an unconquerable wave of enlightening optimism in even the most inconspicuously insipid of your majestic reflection ?
How the hell can you say that you were tired; as long as the Creator had bestowed an unsurpassable entrenchment of divinely sensitivity in the vicinity of your wonderfully intimate and amiable ears ?
How the hell can you say that you were tired; as long as the Creator had bestowed an unshakable sky of benevolently scintillating humanity upon your intrepidly philanthropic shoulders ?
How the hell can you say that you were tired; as long as the Creator had bestowed irrefutably unassailable truth in the walls of your Omnisciently priceless conscience ?
How the hell can you say that you were tired; as long as the Creator had bestowed an unfathomable cloud of titillating sensuousness in even the most ethereal element of your regale persona ?
How the hell can you say that you were tired; as long as the Creator had bestowed an Omnipotent waterfall of breath in your marvelously seductive and profoundly aristocratic nostrils ?
And how the hell can you say that you were tired; as long as the Creator had
bestowed a perpetually invincible fountain of love; in the beats of your immortally palpitating heart ?
Can you ever dream of comparing the infinitesimally frigid rivulet with the colossally undulating expanse of the ravishing oceans ?
Can you ever dream of comparing the pathetically minuscule puff of cloud with the entire expanse of incomprehensibly fathomless and voluptuously blue sky ?
Can you ever dream of comparing the disdainfully shriveled petal; with the unsurpassably redolent and panoramically profound depth of the glorious valley ?
Can you ever dream of comparing the parsimoniously kicked speck of dirt; with the unfathomably towering and unassailable majestic silhouette of the mountain ?
Can you ever dream of comparing the miserably orphaned leg of the insipid spider; with the insatiably unending and spell binding wilderness of the unrelentingly untamed forests ?
Can you ever dream of comparing the ethereally slippery granule of impoverished sand; with the majestically insurmountable and regally enamoring landscapes of the overwhelmingly enamoring deserts ?
Can you ever dream of comparing the preposterously capricious strand of solitary brown; with the sensuously sprawling and bountifully fascinating entrenchment of the unbelievably limitless meadows ?
Can you ever dream of comparing the fugitively sleazy fantasy; with the ingratiatingly vast and boundless cradle of rhapsodically mesmerizing paradise ?
Can you ever dream of comparing the inconspicuously threadbare alphabet with the unlimited volume of the extraordinarily embellished and astonishingly eclectic dictionary ?
Can you ever dream of comparing the nonchalantly lifeless chunk of rotting photograph; with the regally tantalizing and poignantly marvelous ocean of spell
binding memories ?
Can you ever dream of comparing the gruesomely squelched brick; with the Orientally majestic and boundlessly Kingly impressions of the impregnable
castle ?
Can you ever dream of comparing the lugubriously livid blade of the destroyed fan; with the incredulously fantastic and relentlessly enchanting whirlpool of
uninhibitedly ebullient breeze ?
Can you ever dream of comparing the dingily raunchy bulb; with the Omnipotently grandiloquent and optimistically flamboyant rays of the blazing Mid-Day Sun ?
Can you ever dream of comparing the embarrassingly sporadic blush on the cheek; with the ubiquitously everlasting and resplendent fountain of eternal happiness ?
Can you ever dream of comparing the pompously devastated treasury of cheap gold; with the unshakably undefeated and pricelessly fascinating paradise of symbiotically melanging mankind ?
Can you ever dream of comparing the voice of the frigidly irate ant; with the flamboyantly towering and handsomely galloping prowl of the princely panther ?
Can you ever dream of comparing the infantile yolk in the brutally whipped egg; with the voluptuously soaring and charismatically flapping fleet of seductive eagles ?
Can you ever dream of comparing the stray puff of evanescent breath; with the Omnisciently unbelievable and vibrantly felicitating chapter of perpetually endowing life ?
And therefore how could you ever dream of comparing penuriously corrupt man; spurious religion; caste; creed; color and discriminating tribe; with the Omnipresent grandeur and immortally sacrosanct spirit of the; Lord Divine.
A person eats; because of the insatiable hunger of his stomach; the unrelenting pangs of famished gluttony; playing cats and dogs with his impoverished intestines,
A person sleeps; because of the overwhelming dreariness circumventing his eyelids; the insurmountable tiredness enveloping his feet and each of his exhausted senses,
A person desires; because of his intriguingly restless mind; wandering in umpteenth number of exotic directions; in a single complete minute,
A person kills; because of the insane lunatic freely philandering in some part of his countenance; his delirious desire to avenge the uncouth massacres that struck his beloved,
A person gallops; because of the ardent tenacity in the muscles of his feet; his irrevocable yearning to achieve the most exuberant targets in life,
A person sings; because of the unfathomable melody trapped in the agonized chords of his throat; an eternal yearning lingering in his soul; to blend with all the ravishingly beautiful on this colossal planet,
A person laughs; because of the ebullient state of fantasy he rhapsodically enjoys; all the good things that stir up revolutionary miracles in his life,
A person cries; because of horrendous pain engulfing his dwindling visage; the inexplicable trauma embedded in each ingredient of his veins,
A person trusts; because of the innermost voice of his conscience; incessantly urging him to blossom into immortal bonds of friendship,
A person hates; because of ghastly circumstances which compel him to slither miserably on cold ground; while his fellow compatriots snored in the aisles of opulent luxury and salacious lechery,
A person embraces; because of the fulminating agony in his chest; the piece of restlessly inconspicuous caricature that he was rendered; when he lived life in
realms of disgusting isolation,
A person evolves; because of the mesmerizing mysticism of this fathomless planet; the intricately ingenious dormitories of his brain; perpetuating to create astounding paradise,
A person procreates; because of the inevitable mechanisms of his fertile persona; his intransigent urge to leave his mark upon the planet; even after he died,
A person devastates; because of the things most cherished to his heart deserting him in his face; metamorphosing his every ambition of life into infinitesimal bits of threadbare chowder,
A person angers; because of bizarre provocation to his impeccable senses; the uncannily miserable feeling of losing his invincible stranglehold on things which
were his tireless slave,
A person possesses; because of his incomprehensible feeling to care; his inherently augmenting virtue to defend his mate in every pain,
A person shares; because of the uninhibited spirit of freedom encapsulating his demeanor; the irrevocable longing in each of his veins to benevolently donate
till the time he celestially exists,
A person loves; because of the immortal beating of his philanthropic heart; the inferno of unsurpassable attraction; that made him incessantly feel in the land of the divine,
And a person lives; only because God wants him to; till the time God wants him to; and for countless more births till God wants him to take birth again,
Romantically discovering and exploring; more importantly disseminating the irrefutably sacred essence of humanity; enlightening each cranny of earth with the Omnipotent light of life.
The greatest copyright on this Universe; protecting your philanthropically holistic work; from even the most diminutive insinuation of the salacious devil,
The greatest fantasy on this Universe; transcending over the realms of the stupendously extraordinary; metamorphosing all your dreams into a veritable reality,
The greatest light on this Universe; inundating every cranny of deplorably dwindling soil; with irrefutably Omnipotent light,
The greatest fragrance on this Universe; disseminating the spirit of immortal mankind; ensuring that earth forever remained a blissful paradise,
The greatest mirror on this Universe; explicitly depicting the sins and intricacies; of your past; present and mystically future life,
The greatest mountain on this Universe; vanquishing the most deadliest of diabolical attack; with a silent stroke of his little finger,
The greatest brain on this Universe; incredulously evolving and spawning countless of living kind; bountifully blessing them with the prowess to bask in the aisles of everlasting success,
The greatest savior on this Universe; frequenting those who needed him the most; alleviating them of their misery and inexplicable pain,
The greatest ocean on this Universe; quenching the scorching thirst of fathomless; with his Omnipresent ointment of love; his melody that was unfathomably divine,
The greatest truth on this Universe; scrapping blatant lies from its very non-existent; sowing the seeds of impregnable honesty; in every conceivable tribe,
The greatest star on this Universe; enriching the ghastly silence of the solitary night; with his Omniscient rays of enchanting moonlight,
The greatest destiny on this Universe; majestically maneuvering the lives of those horrifically impoverished; towards Oligarchic royalty and intransigent bliss,
The greatest map on this Universe; astoundingly bifurcating every single iota of land and water; into voluptuously mesmerizing tangible kind,
The greatest knowledge on this Universe; deluging shattered lives wandering maniacally towards suicide; towards the spirit of perennially benevolent times,
The greatest blessing on this Universe; replenishing the life of even the most infinitesimally weak; with unprecedented richness and unparalleled joy,
The greatest dwelling on this Universe; harboring the insurmountably rich; and the disgustingly deprived in his compassionately heavenly swirl; alike,
The greatest power on this Universe; pulverizing the ominously satanic to ludicrous ash; within the single wink of his unconquerable eyes,
The greatest sky on this Universe; showering infinite breathing molecules to lead a harmoniously symbiotic life; bonding their souls with unsurpassable charisma; in every birth he granted them life,
And the greatest love on this Universe; uniting each heart alive with the spirit of uninhibited sharing; the irrevocable spirit to keep serving humanity and be alive,
Was just a minuscule description of my Almighty Lord; who kept bestowing me air to live till the time I committed good deeds upon this earth; squelching me like a pertinent mosquito; the instant I tried to greedily manipulate his benign humanity; and yet dream of being immortally alive.
The footsteps of hatred were as dim as the setting Sun; having no entity of their own; as they lingered ludicrously between dusk and starry twilight,
The footsteps of lies were as squalid as the overripe fruit; abhorrently stinking with a fleet of inconspicuous insects; devouring them to insipid nothingness,
The footsteps of discrimination were as dark as the pathetically dilapidated dungeons; melting into bizarre oblivion; even as the flamboyant Sun; blazed in passionate agony outside,
The footsteps of treachery were as maim as the disastrously skeletal witch; reducing to infinitesimal ash as each instant unveiled,
The footsteps of violence were as ethereal as the mosquito’s shadow; diminutively retreating into their cocoon; with the lone draught of united breeze,
The footsteps of slavery were as horrendous as the claustrophobic gutters; with even the most dirtiest of pigs; irrevocably refusing to follow their path,
The footsteps of communalism were as frigid as the falling leaf; blending ridiculously with disdainful charcoal; even before they could alight a single inch from celestial earth,
The footsteps of suicide were as cowardly as the devilish scorpion; which ejected the ultimate sting of its life; yet retracting countless kilometers back into shivering soil,
The footsteps of manipulation were as helpless as those behind the sordid prison bars; eating their lips in invidious frustration; as the blissful bounced and triumphed outside,
The footsteps of condemnation were as neglected as countless number of tiny parasites; being pulverized to a miserable death; even before they were born,
The footsteps of nonchalance were as insidiously sinister as baseless cigar smoke; which ate you like a devastating scarecrow from each of your intricate insides,
The footsteps of prejudice were as disdainful as the lavatory cockroach; feasting on raw feces; when an appetizing aroma of food fervently awaited them before their eyes,
The footsteps of laziness were as brittle as dolorously shattered glass; distorting the most ravishing of caricatures; into hideously funny clowns,
The footsteps of ill will were as haplessly trapped; as the body of a robust human; in the jaws of the preposterously gigantic whale,
The footsteps of terrorism were as decaying as horrifically rotting carrion; being ruthlessly ripped apart into a fathomless segments; by ominous vultures indefatigably hovering around,
The footsteps of brutality were as feeble as miserly soot; crumbling and deplorably squandering into an infinite bits; even while the wind blew a trifle outside,
The footsteps of betrayal were as worthless as the rolling stones; orphaned and kicked at all quarters of this planet; by every tangible who transgressed on mud,
The footsteps of torture were as murky as the haze that engulfed mockingly at dawn; evaporating into an island of nothingness; with a single stroke of righteousness,
But the footsteps of love; were a wave that immortally bonded one an all on this Universe alike; an unconquerable force to harmonious prosperity; or to simply put it; the only footsteps which were heard in every cranny of God’s planet; even before they tread.
Ordinarily the soles of my feet didn’t bleed an infinitesimal trifle; even as I traversed over a blanket of a billion acrimoniously venomous thorns,
But today; the 3rd of April; they just disdainfully crumbled an infinite feet beneath soil; as the sound of your invincibly triumphant and gloriously impeccable footsteps; had disappeared forever from the horizons of my veritable sight.
Ordinarily the hair on my skin didn’t relent an inconspicuous iota; even as the most diabolical of dinosaurs and war; indiscriminately paraded around my persona,
But today; the 3rd of April; they just shriveled into pathetic oblivion at the tiniest insinuation of flaccid wind; as your uninhibitedly untamed valley of sensuousness; had disappeared forever from the horizons of my veritable sight.
Ordinarily the blood in my veins didn’t quaver an evanescent bit; even as the most unsparingly hedonistic apocalypses of the devil perpetuated into my soul,
But today; the 3rd of April; it just metamorphosed into a grotesquely frigid white; as your brilliantly unhindered compassion; had disappeared forever from the horizons of my veritable sight.
Ordinarily the hollows of my ears didn’t flutter an ethereal inch; even as unbelievably thunderous roars of vindictive lightening; flashed left; right and center from the belly of the murderously ballistic sky,
But today; the 3rd of April; they just miserably withered to each of my commands; as your inimitably divinely and beautifully unparalleled voice; had disappeared forever from the horizons of my veritable sight.
Ordinarily the bones of my demeanor didn’t rattle an infidel centimeter; even as the coffins of inevitable death scurrilously slandered at me a countless times,
But today; the 3rd of April; they just dissolved into fecklessly meaningless pulp at the sound of my very own voice; as your Omnipotently everlasting tenacity; had disappeared forever from the horizons of my veritable sight.
Ordinarily the whites and blacks of my eye didn’t wince a mercurial fraction; even as the belligerently intolerable rays of the afternoon Sun unceasingly pierced inside from all quarters,
But today; the 3rd of April; they just wholesomely blinded to the faintest of my reflection; as the miraculously mitigating contours of your face; had disappeared forever from the horizons of my veritable sight.
Ordinarily the cadence of my voice didn’t tremble a diminutive whisker; even as there was nothing else but iconoclastically satanic vultures plucking mouthfuls of my flesh; with gay abandon all throughout the night,
But today; the 3rd of April; it just transformed into a cadaverously stony silence; as the Omnipresent smile of your magical lips; had disappeared forever from the
horizons of my veritable sight.
Ordinarily the spirit of my conscience didn’t stagger a minuscule hairline; even as the entire planet beside me embraced manipulative prejudice; to catapult to the
pinnacle of spuriously lackadaisical success,
But today; the 3rd of April; it just dissipated into a zillion pieces of nothingness even before it could becaressed; as your trail of perennially blessing righteousness had disappeared forever from the horizons of my veritable sight.
Ordinarily the beats of my heart didn’t betray a parsimonious speck; even as egregiously perverted treachery had become everyone’s morning cup of tea,
But today; the 3rd of April; they converted entirely into lifelessly delinquent stone although torrential rainshowers of love pelted all across; as your charismatically immortal shadow had disappeared forever from the horizons of my veritable sight.
And ordinarily the air of my nostrils didn’t stutter an abstemious ounce; even as the mortuaries of hell personally descended to incarcerate me into doldrums of inane nothingness,
But today; the 3rd of April; it evaporated a countless kilometers beyond the land of decaying oblivion; although I was impregnated with robust blood; body and bone; as your pristinely unimpeachable and Unconquerably mellifluous spirit; had disappeared forever from the horizons of my veritable sight.
God unsurpassably loves all those rays of the Sun which atleast try their 100 % to blisteringly shine; blaze the trajectory of this earth with intrepidly peerless enlightenment; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.
God limitlessly loves all those Mountains which atleast try their 100 % to unflinchingly defend; compassionately sequester billions of haplessly impoverished in their wonderfully impregnable belly; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.
God timelessly loves all those clouds which atleast try their 100 % to shower tantalizing droplets of water; tirelessly inundate traumatically pulverized spaces of land with spellbindingly charismatic rain; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.
God fathomlessly loves all those trees which atleast try their 100 % to waft into celestially tranquil shade; resplendently enamor even the most infinitesimally dreary bones of the frenetically beleaguered traveler with unparalleled coolness; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.
God immeasurably loves those bricks which atleast try their 100 % to solidify the colossal edifice; become a quintessentially unshakable ingredient of the foundation even in the worst of apocalypses and for times immemorial; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.
God unconquerably loves all those winds which atleast try their 100 % to unequivocally liberate; grant the wings of magically uninhibited freedom to
every organism besieged with manipulatively asphyxiating prejudice; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.
God unprecedentedly loves all those women who atleast try their 100 % to give birth to countless more of her kind; contribute their very best in inexhaustibly continuing the chapters of priceless procreation; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.
God boundlessly loves all those philanthropist’s who atleast try their 100% to holistically mitigate every fraternity of despairingly tyrannized humanity;
selflessly embrace every deprived orphan in their swirl of unassailable humanity; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.
God insurmountably loves all those flowers which atleast try their 100 % to ubiquitously disseminate the scent of fragrant brotherhood; miraculously
rejuvenate delinquently dying corpses towards the paradise of effulgently harmonious newness; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.
God endlessly loves all those granules of soil which atleast try their 100% to burgeon into ebulliently triumphant fruit; beautifully mollify the treacherously emaciated intestines of every bereaved organism; with the endowment of nature divine; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.
God unfathomably loves all those artist’s who atleast try their 100% to indefatigably evolve; brilliantly capture the beauty of this unlimitedly panoramic earth; in the singularly bucolic sheet of their barren canvas; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.
God unbiasedly loves all those rainbows which atleast try their 100% to incredibly stupefy the lives of all those cancerously crucified; for just transiently truncated intervals of time; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.
God unceasingly loves all those waves of the ocean which atleast try their 100% to poignantly enrich the lives of one and all; with the majestically untainted
fervor of pristinely untamed froth; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.
God unshakably loves all those teachers who atleast try their 100 % to sagaciously educate every gutter of disparagingly lecherous illiteracy; with the principles of symbiotically emollient existence; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.
God unendingly loves all those meadows which atleast try their 100 % to diffuse into mischievously unfettered frolic; metamorphose every vicariously corrupt politician into an innocent child once again; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.
God eternally loves all those bones which atleast try their 100 % to persevere towards the aisles of gloriously unhindered righteousness; diffuse the true sweat of dazzlingly synergistic existence; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.
God unstoppably loves all those paths which atleast try their 100 % to infallibly progress towards Samaritan prosperity; fearlessly face a countless devils on the way; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.
God perpetually loves all those breath’s which atleast try their 100 % to perpetuate a whole new civilization of passionate togetherness and royal camaraderie; every time they exhaled; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.
And God immortally loves all those heart’s which atleast try their 100% to unabashedly love; unchallangably coalesce in bonds of everlastingly redolent unity; not bothered a trifle about the outcome to unveil.
Overwhelmed by sedation; in the realms of fathomlessly enchanting fantasy,
Floating on a blanket of clouds; with a festoon of seductive fairies dancing incessantly around me,
Embracing the voluptuous coat of verdant grass full throttle; rampantly rolling in the stupendous blades till times immemorial,
Perceiving the most incredulous objects in this Universe; surging astronomically forward than the spirit of times,
Tell me where is death; Tell me where is pain; More importantly Tell me O! Almighty lord; why have people made this blissful planet of yours; a parasite from a paradise.
Sniffing the mesmerizing aroma of heavenly nectar; boisterously leaping behind the swarming bees,
Blending majestically with the Sunshine; basking under in the glory of milky beams of exotic moon,
Admiring the resplendent blanket of glittering stars; philandering like a price on the summit of velvety ice,
Saluting the birds soaring high in the ephemeral evenings; profoundly lost in the cadence of the Queenly nightingale,
Tell me where is death; Tell me where is pain; More importantly Tell me O! Almighty lord; why have people made this blissful planet of yours; a parasite from a paradise.
Galloping through the fields of blossoming corn; indefatigably cuddling the innocuous sheep sleeping on the hills,
Gyrating fervently in the music of the morning cuckoo; splashing euphorically in an unfathomable ocean of tangy water,
Daintily caressing the Oligarchic oyster; seductively swishing the body under the ravishing waterfall that enigmatically cascaded from the mountain,
Feasting on a celestial meal of rhapsodically fresh cherries; lying in mute silence on the shimmering carpet of sea sands,
Tell me where is death; Tell me where is pain; More importantly Tell me O! Almighty lord; why have people made this blissful planet of yours; a parasite from a paradise.
Placing the arms in the lap of insurmountably bountiful nature; chasing squirrels as they slithered in sheer ecstasy up the corrugated tree,
Voraciously coating the entire body with a slurry of tantalizingly wet rain mud; gasping in dumbfounded astonishment as the mirage loomed larger in the golden
desert soil,
Listening with rapt attention to the incredulously animated chirping of the amicable parrot; gallivanting beside the fire as its royal flames crackled in the midst of marvelous midnight,
Savoring exuberantly cool coconut with rubicund pair of lips; transiting into a rejuvenating reverie; boundless decades before this Universe was first created,
Tell me where is death; Tell me where is pain; More importantly Tell me O! Almighty lord; why have people made this blissful planet of yours; a parasite from a paradise.
The flower while diffusing its scent didn’t think even once, as to whether its fragrance was going to be inhaled by the savage beasts or by an impeccable human,
The clouds while pelting sheets of crystal rain didn't think even once, as to whether the water would drench a person who was ominously black or pure white,
The trees while shedding fruit didn’t think even once as to whether the resins toppling would be consumed by road side beggar or the jeweled prince seated
handsomely on the crown,
The fire while blazing full throttle didn’t think even once, as to whether its flames would shelter the naked or the fully clothed; in the freezing night,
The moon shimmering majestically didn’t think even once as to whether its profound glow would illuminate the house of a "Hindu" or an orthodox "Islam",
The river flowing perennially didn’t think even once, as to whether its waters would pacify the thirst of a blind man or a girl with golden eyes,
The bees while making tones of sparkling honey didn’t think even once, as to whether a mother would apply the same on her infants lips or red ants would crawl greedily from all sides,
The wind as it gustily blew didn’t think even once, as to whether its harmonious flow cooled the most sophisticated or granted solace to those behind prison bars in sweltering summer,
The feather tipped pen as it wrote didn’t think even once, as to whether it was held in the hands of the sanctimonious priest or a true writer embossing boundless lines of literature with his own blood,
The wet soil sprawled over million kilometers of territory didn’t think even once, as to whether it was going to be used in construction of the grandiloquent castle or to raise walls of the dingy seaside hut,
The oxygen circulating freely in air didn’t think even once, as to whether its was going to instill new life in the lungs of a criminal or revive the dying prime-minister,
The tufts of immaculate cotton sprouting in fields didn’t even think once, as to whether they were going to be stitched for the body of a King or would softly
caress the one legged orphan,
The panoramic landscapes of Nature didn’t even think once, as to whether their beauty would drown the mightiest entity or harbor the hideous beaked vulture,
The enchanting cuckoo while singing didn’t think even once, as to whether its voice would appease the soldiers marching through the border or put off the ungainly burglars to tranquil sleep,
The silver granules of sweat while dribbling didn’t think even once, as to whether to ooze from the armpits of a Business tycoon or roll from the bedraggled laborer working on the rooftop,
The heart while throbbing didn’t think even once, as to whether it was beating in the chest of a tall man or people born as dwarfs since birth,
The passion in love didn’t think even once, as to whether it was embracing the stinkingly rich or the individual trespassing in tottered trousers,
The Creator while evolving the Universe didn’t think even once, as to whether there would be man or woman, the rich or poor, the black or white, the tall or
short, the language of English or mystical Sanskrit,
He who is afraid of stark darkness; is never accepted by brilliant daylight,
He who is afraid of inexplicable pain; is never accepted by perennial joy,
He who is afraid of barbaric betrayal; is never accepted by passionate fantasy and sizzling romance,
He who is afraid of fulminating lava and blistering heat; is never accepted by rosy winter with moist ice cascading freely from the skies,
He who is afraid of an ocean of augmenting tears; is never accepted by amicable smiles,
He who is afraid of the fathomless expanse of a yawn; is never accepted by boisterous energy,
He who is afraid of profound emptiness and more than a million hours of boredom creeping in; is never accepted by flowing time,
He who is afraid of ghastly accidents occurring uncannily on the streets; is never accepted by electric paced race,
He who is afraid of overwhelming work and rivers of perspiration dribbling out; is never accepted by frolic play,
He who is afraid of ghosts and appalling horror; is never accepted by the stupendous angel,
He who is afraid of blatant lies; is never accepted by the definitions of impeccable truth,
He who is afraid of abashing abuse and an armory of unheard expletives; is never accepted by the sweet melody in sound,
He who is afraid of the blanket cover of horrendous black; is never accepted by sparkling white,
He who is afraid of scorching thirst; is never accepted by gushing rivers of white water,
He who is afraid of licentious desires and the chapter of procreation; is never accepted by the domains of any religion,
He who is afraid of violent whirlpools and tumultuous storms; is never accepted
by the pleasant evening,
He who is afraid of the hissing reptile; is never accepted by the chimneys of glittering gold,
He who is afraid of crumbling in shambles on the ground; is never accepted by the twin pair of robust legs,
He who is afraid of wholesome silence; is never accepted by the virtue of eloquent speech,
He who is afraid of clusters of hideous fungus; is never accepted by the rubicund fruit,
He who is afraid of tyrannical slavery; is never accepted by the royal
and stupendously embellished throne,
He who is afraid of indiscriminate massacre and bloodshed; is never accepted by immortal laughter,
He who is afraid of decaying stench and dilapidated cobweb; is never accepted by the incredulously fragrant rose,
He who is afraid of the new born infant; is never accepted by the prudently sagacious adult,
He who is afraid of undulating and harsh sands of the desert; is never accepted
by pure satiny silk,
He who is afraid of infinite shards of broken glass; is never accepted by
the handsomely scintillating mirror,
He who is afraid of unprecedented starvation; is never accepted by ravishing
morsels of tantalizing food,
He who is afraid of mind boggling enigmas; is never accepted by the perfectly synchronized solution,
He who is afraid of the unsurpassable depth of the valley; is never accepted by the plain terrain and rustic roads,
He who is afraid of the rotten pile of disparaging garbage; is never accepted by the sacrosanct and holy Ganges,
He who is afraid of the colossal and pugnacious battlefield; is never accepted by
the apostle of peace,
He who is afraid of stringently blaring music and an ambience of wandering wolves; is never accepted by the pious temple,
He who is afraid of the devil and the towering giant; is never accepted by the Omnipotent creator,
And he who is afraid of death and the morbid silhouette of corpse; is never
accepted by mesmerizing life.
There were some who hated office; for being murderously monotonous; invidiously trespassing against their blissful lives and compassionately adorable families,
There were some who hated war; for being diabolically destructive; evolving civilizations of newness; at the cost of countless rivers of innocent blood,
There were some who hated the day; for being acrimoniously blistering; savagely crippling the flow of uninhibitedly untamed fantasy; in their surreally exotic minds,
There were some who hated the cuckoo; for devilishly disturbing their celestial morning sleep; ruthlessly jarring them from their ingratiatingly nocturnal slumber and rhapsodic bedcover delights,
There were some who hated the buildings; for satanically obstructing their panoramically pristine view; for lecherously asphyxiating them of veritably glorious air and exhilarating exuberance,
There were some who hated the dungeons; for disastrously camouflaging their blissfully innocuous persona; with violent whirlpools of ghastly blackness,
There were some who hated the rain; for vindictively playing spoil sport in their pragmatically routine activities; impeding their electric pace; to triumphantly surge forward in vibrant life,
There were some who hated the gutters; for obnoxiously infiltrating the tranquil serenity of their dwellings; with horrendously preposterous scent,
There were some who hated the mountains; for perilously hovering in the way of their handsomely majestic flight; engendering them to crash like insipid mincemeat; against the treacherously demonic slopes,
There were some who hated the clock; for indefatigably tick tocking all night and brilliant day; not letting them rest even an inconspicuous trifle; to wholesomely shrug the astronomical perseverance of the previous day,
There were some who hated the ice; for indiscriminately numbing the poignantly scarlet blood in their veins; abominably jeopardizing their progress towards
an impregnably scintillating victory,
There were some who hated the jungles; for worthlessly marauding upon precious space; constricting the blissful development of the contemporary civilization; with its uncouthly rampant maze of creepers and beasts,
There were some who hated the graveyards; for perpetuating their ambience with ghoulishly cursed doom; when an organism could be very well be burnt as well; after abdicating its last iota of breath,
There were some who hated destiny; for the inexplicable twists and agonizingly painstaking turns; which treacherously inhibited them in their blazingly steady
course of dazzling life,
There were some who hated children; for their rambunctiously unruly behavior; ominously corrupting the spurious somberity; of their aristocratically rich
cigar smoke; vixen and opulent wine,
There were some who hated truth; for explicitly landing them in an unfathomable ocean of trouble; when they could have easily saved their ungainly trembling skins; under the blanket of derogatory lies,
There were some who hated the night; for enveloping them with disdainfully sultry blackness; more importantly forcing them to close commercial shop; and thereby horrifically restrict the flow of gold coin and silver,
There were some who hated love; for intrepidly trespassing against the fabric of conventionally tyrannical humanity; pulverizing their spurious corpse of rules and regulations to non-existent skeleton chowder,
There were some who even hated breath; for sporadically intervening them in their so called brilliantly innovative thought process; cursing their robotically conventional bodies with eternal rest,
And if there was anybody who hated the word hate with irrefutable hatred; then it was none other than Almighty Lord himself; for we humans were mere mortals
portraying even the tiniest of our disgust to the most appalling limits; while his Omnipotent fingers were miraculously the ones; which metamorphosed all
hatred forever into the sky of immortal love.
When the waves of depression uncontrollably transcended above conceivable limits; not being placated by even the most rhapsodically tantalizing cloud of ebullient happiness,
When the dungeons of misery gruesomely exacerbated to limits beyond bizarre recognition; with the most impeccable harbingers of humanity dithering to make
the slightest of; philanthropic indentation,
When the prisons of diabolical insanity vindictively proliferated all the time; and the most melodiously enchanting sagaciousness pathetically staggered to cause even an; inconspicuously infinitesimal difference,
When all routes leading to blissful prosperity had perpetually closed; being tyrannically whipped by whirlwinds of devilishly horrendous discontent,
There was only one door in the entire Universe; which still had perennially unassailable light; there was only one door which still harbored one and all
irrespective of caste; creed and spurious religion alike; O ! yes it was indeed a door; which irrefutably led to the Omnisciently sacred feet of Almighty Lord.
When disastrous ugliness had taken an incorrigibly rebellious stranglehold over the entire planet; and the most exotically fragrant of bountiful beauty; wholesomely stumbling to perpetuate in; even a minuscule fraction,
When tears of immaculately innocent flowed like unfathomable oceans of anguish; and even the most formidably prudent panaceas despicably failing to comfort them even an inconspicuous iota,
When pugnacious thunderbolts of ominous fire rained ferociously from fathomless carpets of sky; and even the most heavenly winds of compassion ghastily dithering to quell them; even a remotely obsolete dimension,
When gutters of crime and stench had embedded their roots horrifically into sagacious soil; and even the most Herculean of stalwarts; being blown apart to
ludicrous dust by the most insipid of their voices,
There was only one door in this Universe; which immortally glimmered with vibrant hope and humanity; there was only door that majestically treated even the
most devastatedly maimed as the ultimate crown prince; O! yes it was indeed a door; which irrefutably led to the invincibly Omnipotent aura of the Almighty Lord.
When the orphanages of poverty massacred countless innocuous in their satanically demonic swirl; and even the most astoundingly fresh chapters of evolution;
nonchalantly succumbing in their benign mission,
When every holistic dwelling on this planet gorily collapsed under the treacherous might of murderous manipulation; and even the most benevolent wings of peace; being shattered to disdainfully rotting dust,
When rivers acrimoniously flowed with waters of pricelessly wailing blood; and even the most salubriously eternal fruits of creation; lugubriously drying in their footsteps of alleviating perpetual mankind,
When thunderbolts of indiscriminate terror pelted unsparingly upon all those blissfully humanitarian; and the fortress of united solidarity reverberated
like an infant; under the onslaught of the cold blooded devil,
There was only one door in this Universe; which unrelentingly radiated with the charisma of celestially panoramic existence; there was only one door which uninhibitedly sequestered you in its compassionately poignant swirl; O! yes it was indeed a door; which irrefutably led to the impregnably ever pervading paradise of the Omnipresently Almighty Lord.
When boundless impeccable living were uncouthly lambasted for ostensibly no fault of theirs; and even the most scintillatingly articulate pathways of glorious success; now retracting like a mouse into its incarcerated shell,
When a savagely insidious carpet of darkness lecherously besieged the sparkling eyes; and even the most enlightening beams of profound optimism; despairingly faltering in their progress to trigger hope once again,
When the innermost dormitories of the soul and conscience harbored nothing but a dustbin of blatant lies; and even the most patriotic swords of truth; incessantly failing to chop acerbic badness from its very roots,
When derogatory traps of barbarically snared their fangs on every step that the innocent tread; and even the most mightiest powerhouses of fortitude; disgustingly deviating in their way to assist penalized humanity,
There was only one door in this Universe; which unflinchingly supported the cause of divine righteousness; there was only door which infinite organisms knocked even in the middle of the whipping midnight; O! yes it was indeed a door; that irrefutably led to the marvelously forgiving chamber of the unconquerable Almighty Lord.
The End .