
People, society, in this millennium.
I’m hated.
Family, friends, men.
So overrated.

2 nice, understanding, misused.
Lies, words not worth a dime.

Stabbed in my back, in the heart; pushed aside.
Smiling faces.
Broken, changing; something’s
taking my place.

Now, I’m 2 mean; no emotions.
Am I suppose to care?
They can’t handle the “new” me, hilarious;
they don’t know what they want.
Torn asunder; but it’s only fair.

I use 2 care; I was 2 nice, 2 understanding, treated like
Trash, lied to, hurt over and over again.
I’ve transformed; accepted it.
Nothing left to mend.

Can’t always get what u ask for or want.
I don’t give a damn; they continue to taunt.
Ya’ll (people) made me this way.

Embrace this abomination.

Why so shock?
I’m ur creation.


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