Broken Rose
you cradled my round head to your strong chest
when I was new to the game of life
you wiped fat tears from my cheeks
when I was in the same boat of emotion
as Picasso and his blue phase
you sang songs I can never forget
the words fly through my mind at warp speed
like tragic, distant lullabies
setting sail into the setting sun
I hope they catch on fire
you tore the seams from my favorite dolls
told me you were going to give them to me for Christmas
but then you put the price tags back on
returned them to the department store late one night
I had to find out through the grape vine
you broke my beautiful rose colored glasses
remnants still linger on the ground
I tripped over a particularly sharp piece the other day
and it made me cry like an infant fresh from the womb
but you weren't there to dry my cheeks
what if you grow grayer and less dimensional
as time slowly cranks on by
what if I never see you again, what if I never really know you again
because you stomped on any sparks that were vague promises of flames
your lies made you go up in smoke
my worst fear is that I won't really meet you again
I won't find safe common ground with you
but the fearsome part is--
what if I am happier without all the baggage you bring to the table--
what if I am better off without you?