She walks in with a sparkle in her eyes
Even if she doesnt smile you can see it
That sparkle hides how she really feels
She herself sparkles
Except no one see's her sparkle
No one see's her
She is that girl you walk past,
that girl you have class with,
that girl you barely pay attention to
GO! Catch her sparkle before it dies
He walks in with a grin on his face
Even if he is hurt you will see it
That grin hides the true darkness
He himself is a great grinning face
Except people ignore his grin
People ignore him
He is that boy no one talkes to,
he is the boy who sits quietly in class,
the boy everyone forgets about
WAKE UP! and find his grin before it fades
Both he and she are the kids you think are weird, new, fat,
or ugly, bullied, have a perfect life, aren't worth your time, gay,
or maybe even fags, sluts, the unwanted.
Go and make a diffrence to a life, before that life ends.