The Highest Honor
The dark one tells me I deserve this pain.
I desire punishment, for it is just.
How could I be a monster among the perfect?
Hide my face, for guilt, for shame
This soul has made so many mistakes
Oh I am such a fool. Shall I lose my soul?
If I never know God,
He shall not know me when I see his face
He revokes not the judgements which He shall pass
Those found on His left hand will exist in endless torment
Forever regretting, drowned in self-hate
Forgive and Forget?
I shall never forget
I cannot forget
I must remember
The choices I have made
I desire punishment, for it is just.
The dark one tells me I deserve this pain.
But beyond my cave of remorse
There is light
A sincere smile
A loving word
And where there is light,
darkness cannot exist
There is one
Completely innocent
That suffered all the pain
That has ever been felt
In a body of flesh and bones
That trembled
Bled from every pore
All the elements of the earth have compassion
The greatest of respect
Upon the honored Redeemer
Who has mercy upon us all
Peace, I give unto you
Come unto me
With humble heart
Contrite spirit
And I shall give you rest
Oh Savior, stay this night with me
That I may know You
The Advocate to the Father
The Great Physician
"The heavens will not be filled with those who never made mistakes."
Forgive and Forget?
I shall never forget
I cannot forget
I must remember
The choices I have made
How is it
That I am no longer in need
Of punishment?
In this war of deeds
words and thoughts
The elements cleave unto you
I govern myself
With You as my guide
Self-evaluation and change
Obedience to law is liberty
Whatever principle of intelligence
I attain in this life
Will stay with me forever
You have seen me grow
You are proud of my progress
All glory be unto the Father
For You are my maker, my leader, my God.