

United States
37° 42' 21.7476" N, 86° 57' 44.6724" W

I sit in my corner
Filling with dread
I've heard all their voices
They keep filling my head

The rumors go around
Spreading so fast
I can't keep up with who said what
Or how it began

It's all my fault of course
No wonder I'm destined for Hell
Everything that goes wrong
Seems to be traced back to me

I guess that's how the rumors started
With me and only me
I keep thinking "It will blow over"
But each day I endure more and more

People keep asking
Are the rumors true?
I try to ignore them
But that just adds to the ruse

I want to scream at them
That all the rumors are lies
But that would be lying
Because all the rumors are true.


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