Disguise: The relapse (6 years later)

She didn't see herself the way others saw her.

 They saw beauty. Bright eyes. Red lips. And a white smile. 

Her wounds blinded her though, She saw another lie in every freckle.

Brokenness behind her eyes. Numbness in her smile.

They saw a beautiful girl. She saw damaged goods.

She didn't care anymore. She cursed with every thought.

Never hesitating to speak her mind. You were going to hear her.

That's what people liked about her. How she was anything but ordinary.

To her, that's why she was always alone. She wasn't like them.

She was meant for something unthought of, the above and beyond type of thing.

That's just her.

She was the dark thought in the back of your mind.

The 3 am phone call when you're drunk and lonely.

The last cigarette in your pack. The last of your drug.

She was that thing that you love, But that is no good for you

..Always leaving you needing more.

She made this person. Being the good girl was what broke her

 She had become hard. Cold even.

Getting the best of her was now impossible.

She was already sitting at the bottom & entirely full of demons.

She was scarred from head to toe.

You couldn't see them though, Oh no.

She was an actress & she put on one hell of a show. 


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