You just sit there staring…

With your Cheshire cat grin

As if to exude beguiled & bemused

While making entreaty to let you in

Using Chocolate Watchband as your ruse

While appearing to know something I don’t

But let me in just a little? Oh HELL no, you won’t!

Cafe (Say) Wha?! HA!

Let the Battleship games commence…

Covert narcissist. GAME ON! Cycle set to awash, spin, repeat, & rinse…

At the end of the beginning, your love I rescind

Lest at the beginning of the end, I inherit the wild wind

Not at all a lover, not exactly a friend

Just smoke & mirrors without—within

My mind to bend & heart to upend. F*** it, you win!

Present like a man, but “Phish” like a boy...

Make Toy Story reference to failsafe “Mr. Joy”

Acid Punk-Psych Fuzz Monster meets Lonely Snail

Eating KaZoom in the pale, along the Epic Fail trail

Spiraling upward, downward, around & through

Your Holy Grail hail of the None-Too-Few

Promising Land of Oden, only to deliver Nod

Wynken & Blynken sage-like Zarod

Get soulQ believing again there’s a God

But you won’t catch my IQ or EQ paying laud

No luminous nose in my Gong

No “let me sing YOU a song”

Perish the thought all wrong set aright

Perish the thought I’ve seen a great light

2 steps backward, once engaged badly

1 GIANT step backward, the mating game sadly

Playing your mindgames evermore...

In the Battle of Forevermore.

Year 2020, your new beginning…

Only to confuse my part as “sinning”

A CBD shot, overlooked & forgot

The short end of the stick, forever my lot

Just another decoy Real McCoy poser

Deeming me “not good enough”

When you’re the hoser


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