Good-bye my brother

Sat, 11/24/2012 - 18:21 -- Bonita

I miss those days when we use to laugh,
I miss those days when we were just friends.
I would always hope it would always last,
I never wanted it to come to an end.
I remember seeing you everyday,
You would always make me smile.
Then when the day came that you went away,
I was hoping it would only be for a while.
But now I realize that our friendship is gone,
There is nothing I can do to change that.
What must I do to make things right?
Is there any way I can bring you back?
You were like a best friend,
I called you my brother.
It's hard to believe I will never get to talk to you anymore,
That makes me want to cry forever.
No one can ever replace you,
Our friendship is something I will always remember.
I want you to know that even though we don't talk now,
I will always be your little sister


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