A Letter to Myself

Dear Danielle (Age 13),

You have just reached age 13, you're a teenager now! You finally made it. You're living with your family and loving it. Everything's going perfect! I warn you, at the end of the school year, you will be moving back to that dried area you once called home. If you don't handle the situation well (which you won't) you’re going to become very ill.

They call it depression! You’re going to cry every day, every night. Eating will become harder and harder, and sleeping will no longer be an excitement. Dreams that once brought you joy, only bring sorrow and keep you longing for that better life. It’ll seem like you’ll never get better. The feelings linger on as your weight quickly decreases.

They say “sometimes you have to hit rock bottom before you reach your paradise”. You entered high school, you became determined. Friends became more of a necessity to have in your life, laughter was more essential to your day. Love eventually made its way into the picture. You had it all!
Next year, you find out your dad has cancer. A new challenge you have to face. Will he die or will he live? With the support of friends and family and his positive outlook on life, it goes in remission for two years. Age 16, you get the news; he only has a few months to live. Remember how you thought moving was difficult? You promised yourself you wouldn't go through depression again, you lived up to it. But you found a new sickness, it’s called Anxiety.

You become sleepless, nauseous, and experience your first panic attack. Don’t worry, you don’t die. Weight goes down again. That whole fast metabolism isn't so much of a blessing at this point. You try to cry, but nothing. Months go by; your dad seems to be losing his memory. The pain of watching him slowly go was taking its toll on you. Then, right before Christmas, it was his time to leave us. Still, not a single tear shed. You become so fed up with being fed up that you turn to God for support.

Before your dad leaves, he makes you promise to go on with your life instead of getting depressed. Danielle, I’m 21 years old and have anxiety that I've had for 5 years off and on now. I've learned to control it without medication. I don’t rely on anyone or anything but myself to make me happy. I've been through the good and bad, and will continue it till the end. I love myself more and more each day and no matter how rough life gets, I will enjoy the little things in life, YOU will enjoy the little things in life

Love you,
Danielle (Age 21)


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If you ever need help or support, we trust CrisisTextline.org for people dealing with depression. Text HOME to 741741