Hope is all we got

So I remember when you told me you loved me...
And how I told you how I felt the same way.
That was a while ago...or so it seems.
If things would've worked out when we said those words then things would be different today.
But no now we've both moved on.
You've found a new girl and I'm single and kinda happy.
But I can't help but remember all the promises we made each other and all the smiles we shared. All the memories we were going to make.
I kinda wish we would've acted on our emotions, there and now. But we didn't we let them fade away.
But maybe its not too late to rekindle what we thought was lost.
Never say never... the world impossible says it's self that 'I'm possible'
So why wouldn't this be?
All these questions my heart's asking me about me and you.
Its asking why didn't I leave the other when you could've had him?
When I could've spared myself all that heartache?
But I didn't I didn't open my eyes and see when I should've...
All I need to do now is see if you feel in anyway the same way you once felt or if you love this new girl your with.... Parts of me highly doubt that you do... but I doubted myself plenty of times before and I was wrong, I persevered.
So why would this time be any different?
All I can do is hope that these, then, unearthed feelings that are buried a little now because of time and distance are able to be dug up out of the cold hard ground and set alive like they once were. Hope's the love that holds us together.
Then and now.


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