The Words I could not say

On a pedestal looking in the mirrorOf the cracked reflection of the little boyThat reminded me of myself So hurt and distraught,  Moving towards the future but arms reaching back to the past Learning that everything is not promised tomorrow today His eyes met mine and I understood,The words he could not saySo as I picked up the broken pieces of the shattered mirror,I eased the spirit of that boyThat lost his voice to say the words he meant to say  I Remember how I would run up to your legsAnd hug them,Then you would wrap your arms around me And I knew I was in my safe havenI was proud to be told I had your same features,You were beautiful and I would brag any day Bout how we shared the same blood I loved you so much but what I got in return Was not fair  Everything seemed different to me So many questions unansweredWhy are you bald?Why are you wearing someone else's hair?Why are we always in the hospital?Why are so many people coming to see you? Everything soon made sense As I stood beside you as you laid in bedTrying with what little strength you had left To tell me you loved me and grow up to be A nice, young manAs caring and compassionate as you were Trying so hard to hold back the tears as I walked out the room And the grim reaperSnuck in behind me   Next morning I paid you a visitBut you were no where in sight,As I saw the look on my grandmother's face I understood,You were no longer on the face of this earth  Life is not fair Why was it me?I wanted to live happily with my Perfect little familyFast forward to the man looking at the reflection Of the little boy that looked at me To say the words he could not   I want everyone to think I'm special just like you didI want to extend that sweetness and kindness to othersYou know I'm capable of I want to show everyone that smile You thought was beautiful I want to say I did it, my dreams came trueI want to make a difference in the lives of othersLike you did I want others to realize why I breathe the way I do and it's because of you   I love you and I miss you And nothing makes me more proud to sayThat I'm your son and I hope you can look down And say I'm proud to be the giver of his life These were The words I could not say 


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