La Llorona #2
I sit on one side of the fence
They are tearing it down, only to replace it with stronger material
I need to leave
I wish my husband could protect me
That drunk bastard
I cross tonight.
Daughter holding one hand, son holding other
We cross where it is weakest
At the Big River
The stepping stones are hard to find
It is a misty night
Suddenly, I lose my footing
Grip is tight
I won't lose them!
"Border patrol! Freeze where you are!"
They saw me! How could they?
Was my bribe not enough?
There is always a rat.
Damn rats.
Light in my eyes, grip loosens
"Mama!" Boy screams.
"Miho!" "Hermano!"
Other grip loosens. Daughter dives for son.
"Stop where you are!"
No drought this year.
Current pulls
Screaming under water
Dark, so dark
I will never find them
I will keep searching
Heavier now, lungs are filled
Much heavier than air
I am sinking
I am screaming
I find myself on the bank.
Dragging, I am being dragged.
I am too heavy, I think.
I need to find my children!
I open my eyes.
A girl.
A girl is dragging me.
My daughter?
I pull girl.
"We have to find your brother" I tell daughter.
She fights.
Why is she fighting?
She loves her brother.
I cry. "We must find him before Father does."
Screaming, she is screaming.
It is night.
I'm still crying.
We have to find son!
Pulling, I pull her into rushing water.
Sinking, falling, I hold her tighter.
Sandy bottom, I hug her to me.
"We will find him," I say with invisible tears.
Bubbles come from every word.
Her eyes are glassy, like tiny sand.
She must be searching.
Stroking, I stroke her hair.
It will be okay,