I'm Scared to Write a Poem
I'm scared to write a poem
but I need to write a poem because when I finally
let the twisted words out
I breathe again
as one more wrinkle straightens out,
I’m scared to write a poem
Because when I finally do
It’ll break me again.
I’ve sealed up the cracks that have broken me
With fools gold.
Cheap Kintsugi.
Why spend money on something that won’t last.
I’m scared to write a poem
Because if I can still break, I’m still broken
And I’ve worked so fucking hard to not be broken.
People like me because I’m not a problem,
And I’m scared to write a poem
Because I’m worried I’ve become a problem.
The question on the test no one knows,
Too confusing to deal with, no one knows where to start,
So they don’t
And move on.
Leave the problem blank.
I’m scared to write a poem.
because I'm scared I'll splinter all over again
so I stare at the keyboard, not the screen.
I can face the letters but not the words.
But I have to keep typing.
I have to keep writing.
It’s time to choose my battles
Even though I don’t know if I’ll win.
Jumpstart my mind
Slam the gas
Blindly barreling forward
Towards what I don’t really care.
I have to keep going
I have to, I think I want to, but
I’m scared.