Was Once

What is life’s true theme?

A place where we all dream?

Twas maybe a vision, a future, a goal

But life is a cruel thing that stole

Make haste, take hold of these dreams

Mark my word and do not disesteem

For if these dreams do not stay alive

Then surely we would all die

Not in a way where all go up to the sky

But in a way we all would surely cry

Life would be the one to unfortunately deem

That our days have been all but a dream

Roaring demands this declared a crime

That life is too cruel to steal this time

Taking away what was rightfully always mine

Why should we be given a sign

To decide to design a fine line

That we could cross and intertwined

That these dreams were once mine

Mine and mine alone that once was so divine


This poem is about: 
Our world



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