I Care


United States
40° 0' 45.162" N, 75° 8' 55.3236" W

I'm tired of this hallway
Full of people
Full of potential
But going nowhere.
I'm tired of individuals who
Feel they'll succeed becasue
Hey, it's me.
I feel like they don't understand
There's hard work
There's dedication.
I care about my future
I care about my children's future
I will work
As hard as I have to
To ensure that I make it.
I care about my grades
I care about my tests.
I don't settle
Always push, but they
They don't see the point
I do too much
Actually I don't do enough.
Sometimes sleep is optional
Eating is simultaneous
Concentration is critical.
I care about college
I care about a career
I don't want a job.
I care
Why don't you?


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If you ever need help or support, we trust CrisisTextline.org for people dealing with depression. Text HOME to 741741