The Wonders of Writing
The ultimate escape
to a new life
if only for a short while
an escape to dreams and hopes
of love, wealth, or happiness
The magic key in your hand
that opens a portal with ink
a doorway of lined paper
to another world
with a flick of your wrist
it can be whatever you want
it could be an ancient, ancient garden
filled with a host of golden daffodils
or a land of kings and queens
with the help of a godly lion
or perhaps where the wild things are
you could go anywhere
to nevernever land and never grow up
or to the city of gold and buy Spain
you could live with a beast and fall in love
or join the circle of life
you could fight against he who should not be named
or control the force
you could live long and prosper
or fake your death in a reichenbach fall
you could travel in time and space with something that is bigger on the inside
or have a brother and fight the evils of the world with an angel
you can create your own world
you can be anything, do anyting
join me in the wonders of writing